On Tuesday, 02/17/2009 at 08:58 EST, "Gentry, Stephen" 
<stephen.gen...@lafayettelife.com> wrote:
> What is the advantage of being able to do this?

In one scenario you have a bunch of Linuxen running on z/VM and you have 
z/OS, but you don't use it with z/VM.  You realize that you could speed up 
or reduce the cost of z/OS app development if you didn't have to devote so 
much h/w to it.  But you're not sure you want to get into that game, so 
you add a CP to your z/VM-mode LPAR.  Now you can create z/OS guests and 
virtual sysplexes without the additonal administrative burden of a second 

And then there are those who have been using z/VM with z/OS guests for 
many years who want to dip their toes into Linux.  Just add an IFL or two 
and you're off to the races.

(There are z/VM licensing cost issues to deal with, of course, but such 
problems have solutions.)

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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