Thanks for the help, Rick. I don't really understand what you mean by "shared" is the exported file system; do you mean that something must be done on the MVS side to make the sequential dataset accessible by the CMS NFS client? I understand about the BFS requirements over on the CMS side.

Richard Troth wrote:
The syntax I use is

        openvm mount /../NFS:server/shared /local/point

where "server" is either the server's hostname or its address and
"shared" is the exported filesystem (or a usable subdirectory of it)
and "/local/point" is a pre-existing (usu empty) directory in your BFS
space.  You will need to have a root BFS mounted first and the root
cannot be NFS.

I also always use (NONETRC and (NOLIST because #1 the NETRC files
complicate authentication (in my context) and #2 as a rule I do not
mix translated and non-translated files in NFS space.  (Either
translate or don't, but mixing is messy.)

I cannot say enough about the excellent work of those IBMers who made
the CMS NFS client work.  What a joy to be able to use GETBFS and
PUTBFS to move files to/from Linux.  How much more effective to use
XEDIT on those files than to have only the Unix editors.

-- Rick;   <><

Q: Isn't filtering stupidity elitist?
A: Yes. Yes, it is. That's sort of the whole point.   -- Ortiz and Starr

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 8:43 AM, Dave Jones <> wrote:
Hello, everyone.

I need to access an MVS sequential dataset from CMS, via NFS. What's the
correct syntax for specifying the MVS dataset on the OPENVM MOUNT command?
I've tried several (obvious?) permutations, but none work.

Thanks and have a good one.

 z/VM and mainframe Linux expertise, training,
 consulting, and software development


  z/VM and mainframe Linux expertise, training,
  consulting, and software development

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