On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 12:04 AM, Huegel, Thomas <thue...@kable.com> wrote:

> Is it time to change CP, perhaps adding a parm to SYSTEM CONFIG that says OK
> CP use 500 meg of main storage for paging etc.? In other words instead of
> making a hard configuration change lets just tell CP how much memory
> to 'treat' as XSTORE.

Mostly right. It's made out of the same bits. Typically you take
xstore as 20% of the total. There is little penalty if you have a bit
too much, so I don't expect a need in real life to tinker with the
ratio. So in theory CP could at IPL just draw a dotted line and do it
like that.

It's a matter of where you want to invest your development resources.
Do we want new and exiting function like Live Guest Migration? Or do
we want IBM to re-implement something we already had for 20 years,
that has worked fine and has been tested and is well understood? Just
to get rid of something trivial as defining the storage for the LPAR ?
When they put the paging stuff upside down there a hole lot of things
to be measured and tested.

Rob van der Heij
Velocity Software

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