Mark, that make sense, how do I restructure my file systems so that not 
everything is lumped into "/"
> Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 17:19:56 -0600
> From:
> Subject: Re: SLES 9.0 SP3 SPACE PROBLEM
> >>> On 3/10/2009 at 5:51 PM, Tom Duerbusch <> 
> >>> wrote: 
> > As you are removing/deleting things, and the space still shows 0%
> > available, that shows me that you have some process that is using up
> > space quickly.
> Probably not. That 0% only applies to non-root users, because of the (by 
> default 5%) space reservation for the root user, just in case a file system 
> gets filled up. In Clifford's case, he has about 23MB of free space on that 
> volume. Not a whole lot, and awfully close to having his system die on him 
> from the root file system filling up. Whether or not he frees up enough 
> space, he really needs to restructure his file systems so that not everything 
> is lumped into "/".
> Mark Post

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