>>> On 3/12/2009 at  3:58 PM, clifford jackson <cliffordjackson...@msn.com> 
>>> wrote:

> Mark, that make sense, how do I restructure my file systems so that not 
> everything is lumped into "/"

Well, you're going to need some extra disk space, at least temporarily, and 
probably permanently, since your volume is almost completely full.  It will be 
a bit of a chore, but take a look at http://linuxvm.org/Info/HOWTOs/movefs.html 
and apply that technique to /home, /opt, /tmp, /usr, /var, and /srv if you 
actually put stuff in there for web or FTP servers.

In your case, there's going to be additional steps necessary, if you want to 
keep your root file system on the same volume it is now.  You'll need to boot 
the system from something like the installation kernel/ramdisk, and do an 
offline file system resize, then use fdasd to delete and redefine your 
partition table so that you can create a second partition that can be given to 
LVM for parceling out the space to those other file systems you broke out.  
That's going to be quite a bit of work, and complex, so it might be easier to 
install a new system using the new scheme, and just copy over the parts that 
aren't part of the OS.


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