
Never having to install z/VM from the DVD I can't really comment on what is and 
what is not considered supported devices for the installation process. You may 
want to verify the FCP and/or FBASCSI device types are supported devices by the 
installation process. EDEVICES are constructs available from an installed z/VM 
system. They may not be for the installation process. Unless the installation 
process allows you to define FCP devices I don't really see how you could use 
FCP devices for your initial installaion.

Just my $0.02.

Raymond E. Noal 
Senior Technical Engineer 
Office: (408) 970 - 7978 

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Heckler, Bruce
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 12:14 PM
Subject: z/VM and DS6000 Disks

Hi Everyone, 

First, let me preface the question by saying I'm mostly a z/OS weenie. =

Last time I installed VM it came on 2400' reels. Our campus Department of=
Fine Arts got a grant for a Z10 EC and Red Hat. (an interesting story for=
later). Their support folks are more into Dell than anything Big Blue.  S=
us old "legacy" dinosaurs got pressed into service.  OK, now the 

We're failing in INSTDVD setting up the system volumes.  We plug in the =

addresses, PF5, reply "y" to confirm, and it thows us back into the panel=
with a DMSXDC542E.  I'm pretty sure but not 100% we've got the addresses =

we need, switched. The IODF shows a string at 1000 for 240 with type FCP.=
Related to it is another string beginning at 3000 with type FBASCSI. I =

used the 1000 device addresses, but some of the new function IBM PMRs see=
allude the right ones should be at 3000 (FBASCSI). That'd also imply our =

SET EDEVICEs are also wrong.  Comments from anyone who've broken ground =

with a DS6000 would be appreciated. 

Sooo Weee!  Hook 'em Hogs!... from an old Arkie and UA gradicate...     

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