Hi Steve,

You're right, z/VM is 540 level.  the DVD shipped in December.   The Z10 and 
DS6000 are totally new from the factory, no other disk or hardware either.  
Actually my Boss has been struggling with the IODF since late December and I 
just got to touch the box myself for the first time last Thursday.  (Kind of 
embarassing. Told ya the story would be interesting).

Apparently when you define a string in IODF it builds a string as type FCP.  
Then it builds another string type FBASCSI which has the LUN, ..., and 
references back to the same offset FCP address.  The burning question is when 
you plug in addresses to initialize the sysres and such, which set do you use?  
If I were doing this myself, I'd keep plugging until I found something that 
works. But this machine is locked in a different computer room, I don't have 
access, access time, and some other compounding limitations.  You're right, the 
Install Guide is standard IBM dull but accurate.  However, the naming 
conventions are a bit confusing between what IODF, INSTDVD, and the Install 
manual are using (at least how I read it).  The rest of the install is very 

Last, I'd LOVE to open a PMR.  But the Fine Arts folk who own this box bought 
it on a shoestring (read: "No Support Contract").  We have support and IBMLINK 
for z/OS and products, but not VM.  Even our contract doesn't allow us to ask 
ETR questions unless we can disguise it as a problem.  That's why I went to 
IBMVM as the route "of last resort".  If you can give away some Pro Bono 
question time, my e-mail's below.  I see your e-mail, but I detest our users 
bugging me without the courtesy of getting a Help Desk ticket first.


Bruce Heckler
ACT DataCenter, University of California San Diego
10280 North Torrey Pines Rd #375
La Jolla, CA
(858) 534-2152

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On Behalf Of 
Steve Wilkins [wilki...@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: z/VM and DS6000 Disks

The DS6000 is supported for a z/VM install to SCSI. Here are some comments / 
questions from one of our install folks.

"What level of VM he is trying to install? Is it first level or second level? 
The first thing that pops into my head is that if he (Bruce) is trying to 
install on SCSI devices on something other than 540, he can't use SCSI devices 
that are defined on his system already. He must do the define commands (either 
by hand or with an exec) on the userid where he is installing. There was 
something in the way that the code checked for the device that would fail if 
the volume was already defined. In 540, we fixed this. "

If you (Bruce) can't get this to work by following the directions in the 
Install Guide, and no one has more timely advise for you, then I'd suggest you 
work with us via a PMR.

Steve Wilkins
IBM VM Development
z/VM I/O Strategy

Raymond Noal ---03/31/2009 04:33:14 PM---Bruce,

Raymond Noal <raymond.n...@hds.com>


03/31/2009 04:33 PM

Re: z/VM and DS6000 Disks



Never having to install z/VM from the DVD I can't really comment on what is and 
what is not considered supported devices for the installation process. You may 
want to verify the FCP and/or FBASCSI device types are supported devices by the 
installation process. EDEVICES are constructs available from an installed z/VM 
system. They may not be for the installation process. Unless the installation 
process allows you to define FCP devices I don't really see how you could use 
FCP devices for your initial installaion.

Just my $0.02.

Raymond E. Noal
Senior Technical Engineer
Office: (408) 970 - 7978

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On Behalf 
Of Heckler, Bruce
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 12:14 PM
Subject: z/VM and DS6000 Disks

Hi Everyone,

First, let me preface the question by saying I'm mostly a z/OS weenie. =

Last time I installed VM it came on 2400' reels. Our campus Department of=

Fine Arts got a grant for a Z10 EC and Red Hat. (an interesting story for=

later). Their support folks are more into Dell than anything Big Blue.  S=
us old "legacy" dinosaurs got pressed into service.  OK, now the

We're failing in INSTDVD setting up the system volumes.  We plug in the =

addresses, PF5, reply "y" to confirm, and it thows us back into the panel=

with a DMSXDC542E.  I'm pretty sure but not 100% we've got the addresses =

we need, switched. The IODF shows a string at 1000 for 240 with type FCP.=

Related to it is another string beginning at 3000 with type FBASCSI. I =

used the 1000 device addresses, but some of the new function IBM PMRs see=
allude the right ones should be at 3000 (FBASCSI). That'd also imply our =

SET EDEVICEs are also wrong.  Comments from anyone who've broken ground =

with a DS6000 would be appreciated.

Sooo Weee!  Hook 'em Hogs!... from an old Arkie and UA gradicate...

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