Dear Listers,

Thanks to all who responded, even Chuckie.

Upon further investigation I have found that the problem with the PEEK
command is associated with the user's terminal screen size. I was using
a terminal emulation screen size of 62 X 160. If I change the terminal
characteristics to 43 X 80, the problem does not occur. Both terminal
sessions were using the IBM provided PROFPEEK XEDIT from the 190 S-Disk.
The application of RSU 0901 was done last week and the system has been
re-IPL'ed since then and for sure CMS has been re-saved and IPL'ed. So,
I do not think this is in relation to the application of the RSU. My
apologies for casting any shadows / doubts on the RSU.

If I use my version of the PROFPEEK XEDIT from my 191 A-Disk, the
problem does not occur with either terminal screen size setting. 


Is this yet another reason that IBM should not distribute such files as
compiled REXX, so the user could diagnose similar problems?  


So, I will make the assumption that I have violated Chuckie's 38th rule
of computing and I sincerely apologize. The PROFPEEK XEDIT seems to be

Thanks to all of you again. 

Raymond E. Noal 
Senior Technical Engineer 
Office: (408) 970 - 7978 

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