Hi, Marc.

The unfortuate status of the z/VM 5.3 evaluation version is
that it's license from IBM states that it can only be
installed on a z10 system. Installing it anywhere else would
be a violation of the license terms.

Yes, Hercules can run the evaluation version, so I've been
told, but not legally. I'd like for IBM to offer some sort
of hobby or non-commerical or educational license for z/VM,
just so folks like yourself, newcomers to thjis operating
system, could have some hands on experience at a very low
cost point, but that's not happened yet.

One thing you can do is follow this list....a lot of
advanced z/VM features and uses get discussed here by some
really sharp VM-ers.

Have a good one.

----- Original Message -----
From: Marc Schoechlin <mschoech...@256bit.org>
Subject: Installing IBM z/VM to Hercules
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 08:04:17 +0200

> Hi,
> i'm really interested in getting a deeper understanding of
> IBM z/VM.
> I was very happy that IBM offers now a evaluation version
> of z/VM 5.3 to everyone: http://www.vm.ibm.com/eval/
> I really like hercules to play around with Linux for
> zSeries - but is it also allowed to run this z/VM
> evaluation version on hercules ? As i can remember, this
> was not allowed in the past.
> From my point of view this would be really good for z/VM
> because: - everybody (i.e. students) can get a deeper
> experience of z/VM - one can have full administration
> priviledges
>   (employers/universities do typically not grant full
> administration priviledges) - one can have a portable
> mainframe
>   (i.e. you play around with z/VM in the subway)
> - a better motivation to build up z/VM knowledge, because
> you are
>   not dependent to your employers or university hardware
> - also universities which do not own a mainframe can teach
> mainframe knowledge - companies test their software on the
> mainframe - this emulator is available on linux and
> windows
> How can i install the z/VM eval version on hercules?
> Are there any redbooks/howtos available?
> (With the 3.0.6 release, hercules supports dvd-hmc
> support.)
> Really cool would be a set of hercules dasd-images
> downloadable at the IBM website ;-)
> Best regards
> Marc Schöchlin

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