Hello Kris,

The guest runs with attached DASD so MDC is not applicable in this case.

It doesn't look like IO is the problem here. But obviously any command
processed in the guest will cause double the load in the host VM. So I do

agree to avoid as much as possible. I don't know if MDC in the guest is
possible or acceptable.

Paging is not an issue. The host has 1G, the guest has 512M. The VSE runs

NOPDS and the guest VM doesn't page.

Yes, we run PTK. Running in the current config the guest VM can run up to

100%, and it does. When we assign 2 virtual CPU's to both VM and VSE (and

start TD) we have seen the guest running up to about 190%. Also VSE does
show processing at 100% CPU. But even an increase to 2 CPU's doesn't lowe
the transaction times for the transactions in question to an acceptable l

Regards, Berry.

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