I wonder if this isn't all a throw-back to the days of water-cooled behemoths that had large motors to circulate the water to cool the CPUs. IBM may be trying to let customers use the power circuits they installed decades ago for their first 303x , 308x, or 309x.

On May 4, 2009, at 7:56 AM, Dave Jones wrote:

Well, the z boxes all have motors to drive the fans, but I do not understand why they would need 3 phase power......but, as Alan mentions, I'm not an engineer.

Alan Ackerman wrote:
On Fri, 1 May 2009 13:09:38 -0400, Rich Greenberg <ric...@panix.com> wrote:
On: Fri, May 01, 2009 at 11:53:04AM -0500,Brian Nielsen Wrote:

} In any case, cost per kwh is not relevant since the site is charging a } flat fee for the installed circuit, not for the amount of power drawn
} through the circuit.

What I remember is that 3-phase current is more efficient for running motors. (I used to know why, but not any more.) I think that's why my house has 3-phase in the basement to run the washer and dryer. I never heard any reason why it would be better for running a computer. (Does a z890 include a motor?) But what do I know? I am a programmer, not an engineer. So are most of us on this list. I'd suggest you might want to ask your question somewhere that electrical engineers hang out. But if there isn't any difference in your cost, why do you care? Unless, as Rich suggested, 3-phase is more reliable. Alan Ackerman
Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com

Dave Jones
Houston, TX

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