
I would like to join three VM nodes to an existing ISFC collection, with
the intent to grant access to an already-existing remote filepool. This
seems straightforward enough except the three new VM nodes each are
configured with two identically-named filepools. The three new nodes are
not part of any ISFC collection now, so there is no problem there.

I understand it is possible to rename these filepools so that the names
are unique across all three nodes, and then it would be simple to join
the ISFC collection. However, I would prefer to leave the existing
filepools alone.

It seems like I should be able to make these filepools local only, but
the documentation is pretty unequivocal that unless the repository
filepool names begin with VMSYS that they are to be configured as global

Why is this? Is there anything that is really stopping me from changing
the IUCV *IDENT GLOBAL to IUCV *IDENT LOCAL for the two filepools on
these three nodes, and then moving on?

I ask because I notice that VMBACKUP owns a filepool that has IUCV
*IDENT LOCAL set, with a name that does not begin with VMSYS. I haven't
been able yet to learn anything about this particular pool, though, or
how it's used, so I accept that it is possible for it to have some
operational characteristic that makes this possible, where it wouldn't
otherwise be generally.



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