As we no longer have VM at work I only use this from home. However as others
have stated:-


1.      Access to personal e-mail is blocked in the office.
2.      Disclaimers are added to all e-mail leaving the company by the
3.      Attempted to circumvent these policies is a dismissible offence


So any e-mail list relating to work suffers the indignity of the 22 line
legalese that the user has to scroll down too.


Dave Wade G4UGM

Illegitimi Non Carborundum


-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of MacIntyre, Cory
Sent: 12 May 2009 15:49
Subject: Re: How long is YOUR signature/disclaimer?


If your company does not allow access to your personal e-mail account from
work makes this request a little bit out of range


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Scott Rohling
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 9:46 AM
Subject: How long is YOUR signature/disclaimer?


This is a plea to all of you with signature lines with all kinds of junk
(like all those preachy quotes you might think others will appreciate) --
and ESPECIALLY those of you with company disclaimers:

Please find a way to post with as clean a signature as you can.

I've run across some posts lately that are just completely ridiculous.  1
line of question or comment followed by 100 lines of your particular
company's disclaimer.   While it's very helpful at times to see where you
all work - maybe using your personal email rather than your company email is
a better idea.  That way you don't have to disclaim anything and aren't
helping fill up these mailing lists with 'meta text'.

I'm sure this will be seen as 'meta' discussion - but I'm especially cranky
today, so what the heck   ;-)

Thanks for your consideration:    Scott



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