I understand your premise, but respectfully disagree.   We're not going to
increase the security of z/VM by not discussing ways to do things when
necessary.   The mirror question to yours is:  'How do I prevent a z/VM
system from being hacked?'.  The answer lies in things like:

-  Run an ESM (may I suggest RACF?)
-  Don't hand out OPTION DEVMAINT indiscriminately (as in this case -- does
OPERATOR actually have it?  YIKES!!)

Any of the methods being discussed can only be done by a user with
sufficient privilege to do so.   None of this is secret stuff, nor should it


On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 2:29 PM, Mark Wheeler <mwheele...@hotmail.com>wrote:

>  Greetings all,
> These are the kind of questions I really hate to see, because many of us
> know the answer (or multiple answers) and want to help. Actually, it's those
> answers that I hate to see, because, to paraphrase, the root question is
> basically "How do I hack into a z/VM system?" Posting the answers to the
> list doesn't seem prudent, whereas a private response to Bob (you really are
> Bob, right?) would be more appropriate. It helps Bob, who we all know and
> love, solve his problem but doesn't compromise the integrity of everyone
> else's systems.
> Respectfully,
> Mark Wheeler
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/marklwheeler
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 14:36:19 -0500
> From: nix.rob...@mayo.edu
> Subject: Oops and finding passwords on a system...
> I didn’t log in for awhile and, due to advancing age (actually a year older
> tomorrow too), I’ve forgotten what I made the MAINT password. And, since
> this was also the main password used for almost all the service machines, I
> don’t have any other locations to log into that would help me. I know;
> stupid. :(
> Could someone with a zVM 540 system please tell me the starting cylinder of
> the DIRMAINT 1DB minidisk? I don’t think we had any reason to relocate it,
> so, I think, with that and a DEFINE MINIDISK command from OPERATOR (my one
> working userid) I can get the password I need to regain control and save
> some face (other than here, since I’ve confessed to you all).
> Thanks to one and all for keeping this as quiet as possible.
> --
> Robert P. Nix          Mayo Foundation        .~.
> RO-OE-5-55             200 First Street SW    /V\
> 507-284-0844           Rochester, MN 55905  /( )\
> -----                                        ^^-^^
> "In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
>  in practice, theory and practice are different."
> ------------------------------
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