PIPE's TRACKREAD and friends should allow you to store these remains
in a CMS file.

2009/5/15 João Carlos dos Reis Baptista <joao.bapti...@gravames.com.br>:
> Dear VMers
> I have got a piece of file to recover.  The remaining of a file, a few
> cylinders of 3390 volume, are in 4k records I have been trying to read thru
> FILEDEF/MOVEFILE unsuccessfully.
> Have anybody a clue, a hint, any Idea ?  How can I read it, once I have no
> VTOC info, no DSCB Record to access the DASD records and copy them in a CMS
> normal file ?
> I Will appreciate any help.
> Thx,
> João Carlos R. Baptista
>  Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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