On Monday, 08/10/2009 at 10:05 EDT, "Frank M. Ramaekers" 
<framaek...@ailife.com> wrote:
> Yes, I understand that, but currently our TN3270 server is offloaded 
from the 
> CPU (it?s a Visara box).   It seems to minimize impact to the current 
> (single LPAR machine), would be to get an IFL with z/VM, Linux and the 
> Communications Server.   This has little to NO impact to the LPAR, but 
> moving this server from an outboard box inward could have adverse 
> (especially on our already loaded LPAR).

Just use OSA-ICC (integrated communications controller, TYPE=OSC).  It 
gives you a TN3270 server that, like the Visara box and the old IBM 2074, 
creates non-sna 3270 devices on that chpid.  It can be shared across 

Of course, dedicating hardware (of any flavor) for a telnet server implies 
that you have sufficient TN3270 traffic to justify the offload or you 
don't have sufficient CPU capacity to absorb the additional workload.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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