I am trying to FTP a file that is Wnidoze ASCII to VM without having it 
translated to EBCDIC. In this case, the PC is the client and VM, the host. I 
have tried:

*       BIN - it gets translated
*       TYPE A - it gets translated
*       SITE AUTOTRANS OFF - I get a message saying that the SITE command is 
invalid. The same applies to using an abbreviation for AUTOTRANS.
*       MODE B - invalid command
*       SITE MODE B (out of frustration) - invalid command
*       Rename the file, changing the extension from .CSV to .BIN - it almost 
works after a PIPE < fine | deblock string x0d0a | > file

The files I am transferring are CSV files. The values are contained in double 
quotes with comma separators. Null values are indicated by two double quotes. 
There is another problem - any of the FTPs that transfer data strip  the quotes 
surrounding the data values - not good for values containing a comma. Not good 
for something expecting a pair of quotes as a null value indicator.

What, if anything, can I do to resolve this?

Richard Schuh

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