2009/9/15 Schuh, Richard <rsc...@visa.com>

> The same might be said for page space. Someone could access a dataspace
> enabled directory and take up page space. We could easily take up 48G of
> page space here by starting 24 machines that each access different d/s
> directories at 2G each.

Dataspace enabled directories are not paged out to paging space; the CP
paging operations for it are issued against the minidisks of the SFS
servers; neither are all dataspace pages brought in storage at the moment of
ACCESS.  The SFS dataspaces are called "mapped dataspaces".  A small
exception: the structures holding the FST blocks, they are not mapped to the
SFS server minidisks, they can page paged out to CP space (and obviously
CP's page management blocks occupy some storage too).
DB2/VM at the other hand, it can also use non-mapped dataspaces.

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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