Do you have Control Center?  It's an IBM Licensed Program Product.  

If so, select Option M from the main menu.  Add a Monitor, and select
"User Locking".  This does have the side effect of displaying messages
any time locks are encountered, so check out the appropriate "notify"

We monitor the locks on the production database every 5 minutes, and
generate a report weekly. I review the NLRBS and NLRBU usage to see if
changes are needed. The report does not show you who had the problem,
but at each monitoring interval, it shows you the number of NLRBS
allocated, the number used, and the number free, and the number of NLRBU
allocated, and the maximum used by the LUW.

Sample data from last week:
---------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 
01/17/2010 00:15:00   30000       0   30000   15000    9134 
--------------------  20  line(s) not displayed ------------
01/17/2010 02:00:00   30000     200   29800   15000    9134 
01/17/2010 02:05:00   30000     618   29382   15000    9134 
01/17/2010 02:10:00   30000       0   30000   15000    9134 
01/17/2010 02:15:00   30000       0   30000   15000    9134 
01/17/2010 02:20:00   30000     596   29404   15000    9134 
01/17/2010 02:25:00   30000     596   29404   15000    9134 
01/17/2010 02:30:01   30000     596   29404   15000    9134 
--------------------  120  line(s) not displayed -----------
01/17/2010 12:35:00   30000      38   29962   15000    9134 
01/17/2010 12:40:01   30000      38   29962   15000    9134 
01/17/2010 12:45:00   30000      38   29962   15000    9134 
01/17/2010 12:50:00   30000      38   29962   15000    9134 
01/17/2010 12:55:00   30000      38   29962   15000    9134 
01/17/2010 13:00:01   30000     235   29765   15000     716 
01/17/2010 13:05:00   30000      38   29962   15000     716 

Nora Graves
Main IRS, Room 6531
(202) 622-6735 
Fax (202) 622-3123

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Bill Pettit
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: VM DB2 7.3 question

Unfortunately no monitor. Not since CA pulled the rug out from under the
DBMonitor product Sterling had.
Thank you Nora.

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Graves Nora E
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 6:46 AM
Subject: Re: VM DB2 7.3 question

Do you run a User Locking monitor?  If so, you can view the report at
any time from the Control Center Monitor List function. That will show
you the number of User and System blocks allocated and used.

I do not see any references to this condition either.

Nora Graves
Main IRS, Room 6531
(202) 622-6735
Fax (202) 622-3123

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Bill Pettit
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 5:20 PM
Subject: VM DB2 7.3 question

We encountered several slow running batch jobs last night and the only
thing that stood out was the following entry when the operator command
SHOW ACTIVE was entered:

User Agent: 4 User ID: ONLINE   is R/O  APPL  2431F6FE
   Agent is processing and is in out of block  wait.

I have been searching off and on through the manuals today and I still
cannot find any reference to the
"Agent is processing and is in out of block wait"
condition, and what it is attributed to.

I suspect it has something to do with a shortage of the lock request
blocks allowed and available for an active user, but I cannot find
anything that actually tells me that.

Anyone have any knowledge about what this message means?

Thank you
Bill Pettit

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