On 2/2/10 9:48 PM, "O'Brien, Dennis L" <dennis.l.o'br...@bankofamerica.com>

> Richard Schuh wrote,
>> Dennis, You said 16 hours to upload the files. Are you using a 56KB dial-up
>> connection?  >My PC is about 1000 miles from the VM system, so I thought it
>> might be slower than the >33 minutes it took. I was hoping for something
>> better than 16 hours, but I didn't >expect it to be as fast as it was.
> I'm using DSL.  I ran a speed test today, and got a download speed of 2555
> kbps and an upload speed of 435 kbps.  The speed test site says the transfer
> rates are 319.4 KB/sec and 54.4 KB/sec, respectively.

Ding! Asymmetric connection.

And to think our colleagues in Japan are getting 100 Mbit/sec symmetric
connections for about $40/month.


-- db

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