It worked OK for me in my testing.  Here is a "REACC EXEC" I have that
makes mode 0 work:

/* Rexx */
Address Command
Pull . mode0 .
If RC<0 then Exit RC
Do i=1 to RC
   Pull . addr mode .
   If mode0='ON' then do
      'STATE * *' left(mode,1)'0'
      If RC=0 then opt='(MODE0'
   access.i='ACCESS' addr mode opt
'DROPBUF' bufno
'PIPE stem access.',          /* Access commands */
   '| command',
   '| nlocate " replaces "',  /* Ignore msg DMS724I */
   '| console'
Exit RC

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 2:05 PM, Rob Holtz <> wrote:
> It appears that DTCREACC is different than the IBM internal REACC in that no
> options are permitted (at least I couldn't get any to work).
> Also, if you had originally ACCESSed a disk with the MODE0 option, DTCREACC
> does NOT keep MODE0 when it ACCESSes the
> disk again.
> Thanks "Chuckie" for sharing this module with us.

Bruce Hayden
z/VM and Linux on System z ATS
IBM, Endicott, NY

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