Hi Mike, yeppurr it looks like I had my ones and zeros backwards
CP MODify CHPID 80 CSS 1 ADD_CSS_access RCSS 0 INITial_access TEST
ACCess_list TEST

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 1:15 PM, Michael Coffin <michaelcof...@mccci.com> wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> TEST is in CSS 1.  The DASD on CHPID 80 that I'm trying to give TEST access
> to is in CSS 0.  Here are snips from our IOCP:
> RESOURCE PARTITION=((CSS(0),(sys1,2),(sys2,1),(sys3*
>      T,4),(sys4,3),(*,5),(*,6),(*,7),(*,8),(*,9),(*,A),(*,*
>      B),(*,C),(*,D),(*,E),(*,F)),(CSS(1),(TEST,1),(*,2),(*,3)*
>      ,(*,4),(*,5),(*,6),(*,7),(*,8),(*,9),(*,A),(*,B),(*,C),(*
>      *,D),(*,E),(*,F)))
> CHPID PATH=(CSS(0),80),SHARED,                                *
>      PARTITION=((sys1,sys2,sys3,sys4),(=)),   *
>      PCHID=290,TYPE=FC
> CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=4000,PATH=((CSS(0),80,84,88,8C,81,85,89,8D)),*
>      UNITADD=((00,256)),CUADD=0,UNIT=2107
> Thanks for the info about "adding" access vs. "replacing", I was pretty
> concerned about that.  :)
> -Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On
> Behalf Of Gregg
> Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 12:16 PM
> Subject: Re: Adding a second CSS
> Hi Mike,
> what CSS is Test in?  Maybe I got my 1's and 0's backwards... would
> you paste, from the IOCP the RESOURCE PARTITION statement, CHPID 80
> and the CNTLUNIT statement for CU 4000?
> My read earlier was that CHPID 80 is currently defined in CSS 1 and I
> assumed TEST was in CSS 0.
> The modify adds the lpnames to the ACC/INIT lists.
> We've 'spanned' channels channels here, where we first had to DEFine
> in one CSS and then MODify for the second.
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 7:31 AM, Michael Coffin <michaelcof...@mccci.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Greg,
>> Ooops, yes - CAPS is a typo in this email (not in the actual command),
>> should be TEST.  :)
>> I tried the CP MODIFY with the parms you suggested, but I'm still getting
>> HCP0864E:
>> CP MODify CHPID 80 CSS 0 ADD_CSS_access RCSS 1 INITial_access TEST
>> ACCess_list TEST
>> HCPCCO864E Partition TEST does not have access to CSS 0
>> Perhaps, does this command need to be executed on a system that already
> has
>> access to CSS 0?  Are we in a "chicken and egg" scenario where I'm
>> requesting access to the CSS, but I'll never get it because I don't
> already
>> have access to the CSS?
>> PS:  Do you know if the ACCESS_LIST needs to be the COMPLETE list of
> systems
>> to have access to the CSS, or only the system you are adding via the CP
>> MODIFY command?  In other words, will the system(s) specified in
>> be added to the existing access list, or REPLACE the existing access list?
>> -Mike
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On
>> Behalf Of Gregg
>> Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 5:50 AM
>> Subject: Re: Adding a second CSS
>> Mike, is "init CAPS" a typo/some email malfunction?
>> The CSS value is the target CSS and the RCSS value "is the reference
>> channel-subsystem image from which the channel-path characteristics
>> are to be copied"
>> INITial_access is optional, but ACCess_list is required and as you
>> know the INIT and ACC lpname(s list) do not need to be the same in the
>> INIT and ACC lists
>> I believe the modify chpid should be
>> CP MODify CHPID 80 CSS 0 ADD_CSS_access RCSS 1 INITial_access TEST
>> ACCess_list TEST
>>> The spindle I’m trying to reach is 4030 on CU 4000 on CHPID 80.   So
> first
>> I
>>> try to define the CHPID for our LPAR (TEST):
>>> CP DEFINE CHPID 80 PCHID 290 CSS 0 TYPE FC SHARED ACC othersys1 othersys2
>>> othersys3 TEST INIT TEST
>>> But I get:
>>> HCPCCO864E Partition TEST does not have access to CSS 0
>>> So I try to authorize our partition:
>>> cp modify chpid 80 add access_list TEST
>>> HCPCCO864E Partition TEST does not have access to CSS 0
>>> Hmmmm, well the chpid exists (even though it shows as undefined in QUERY
>>> CHPIDS), so I try to modify the chpid to add the CSS:
>>> cp modify chpid 80 css 0 add_css rcss 0 init CAPS
>>> HCPZPM6704E Missing token at end of line
>> --
>> Gregg Reed
>> "No Plan, survives execution"
> --
> Gregg Reed
> "No Plan, survives execution"

Gregg Reed
"No Plan, survives execution"

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