They are stored in HSA and will survive an IPL but without a couple
more steps not a POR.
To make them permanent,
1.) update the IOCP
2.) write out a slot, one not in use or the next slot, according to
local traditions
eg 'IOCP iocpFN   ( ICP DYN WRTAn' <-- were An is the slot you want to
write the IOCP into
**Note** ICP is machine specific/ z9 2094 and the old LPAR parameter
isn't needed on z9's
3) then point the SE at the slot to be active
You don't need to do a POR but should one happen, and if the HMC is
set to "use the active slot" or you update the 'reset profile', you'll
be covered
again, all as local traditions, change/risk mgt/etc dictate.
Enjoy!  I can barely think of anything I enjoy doing more then
DynIOs... at work that is.. X-<8^)

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 8:22 AM, Michael Coffin <> wrote:
> Now, my last (hopefully!) question is this.  Are these modifications stored
> in the HSA, and/or will they survive an IPL of z/VM in the TEST LPAR?  I
> realize we'll still need a POR to make these permanent (absent using HCD,
> which we haven't deployed yet) - but for the time being are these changes
> "permanent" unless/until a POR is performed, or will they disappear when the
> z/VM TEST LPAR is IPL'd?
> Thanks for your help Greg, MUCH appreciated.  :)
> -Mike
Gregg Reed
"No Plan, survives execution"

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