On Tuesday, 03/30/2010 at 04:57 EDT, "Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)" 
<terry.mar...@cms.hhs.gov> wrote:
> Thanks Alan. BTW, the floor system at our Hot Site does not have RACF
> nor for that matter any other ESM. You can in fact run z/OS without an
> ESM.

You can run MVS and some of the subsystems, yes.  But you cannot, as you 
discovered, run "z/OS" and all that implies.  Utilities that require 
specific authorization won't work since they all talk to the ESM via SAF 
calls (aka RACROUTE & Friends).  With no ESM, those calls come back as 
"defer" and it is then up to the app to decide what to do.  Unless it has 
an alternative source of authorization (99.9999% don't), the app has no 
choice but to fail.

TSO works as it will, upon a defer from the call to the ESM, interrogate 
SYS1.UADS, as it does if the ESM is there but doesn't, in RACF terms, have 
a TSO segment defined for the user.

Even JES2/JES3 require an ESM to process USERID=,PASSWORD= on the JOB 
card.  (If you SUBMIT from TSO without them, they run under your TSO id 
without needing an ESM call.)

One of my z/OS Brothers-in-Weaselhood told me ages ago, and confirmed 
again today, that *z/OS* was not designed to run without an ESM.  Without 
one, you have just enough of a system up so that you can get one installed 
and then go about your daily chores.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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