Regarding z/Journal and Mainframe Executive being separate from IBM, 
absolutely. Regarding the IBM magazine, also somewhat right: it's 
produced/distributed by an external company, though with much editorial input 
from IBM. But being a captive publication, articles are too often more product 
descriptions than substantive business-case illustrations of mainframe value.

To be fair, though, IBM has other active efforts: a large assortment of 
teleconferences highlight current customers' successes with VM, Linux, System 
z. And Gerry Araneo (who also hosts most telecons) works to get System z 
stories told. I wrote up Government Accountability Office and Antares (large 
Mid-west insurance company) for him, and I'm not the only person writing these 
profiles for him. And IBM issues press releases on mainframe customer stories. 
Unfortunately, I doubt that these press releases and case studies reach 
everyone who should read them.

Len Diegel said:

<Much snippage>

However, I feel we (IBM included) could be doing some things a little better.


Gabriel Goldberg, Computers and Publishing, Inc.          (703) 204-0433
3401 Silver Maple Place, Falls Church, VA

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