This has come up on this list a number of times. So far as I can remember
, there is no way for a 
second level (guest) VM system to determine the system identifier of the 
first level (host) VM system 
without a first level mod or the first level system writing it somewhere 
(disk, VCTCA, other?) that the 
second level system can read. DIAG 00 does not have this information. STS
I does not have this 
information. I'm not aware of any CP command or DIAG code that has this i

I'd love to be proved wrong! I need this information. Does anyone actuall
y have code that will show 
the first level system identifier from the second level system without a 
mod to the first level system?

I think this also extends to a Linux guest of the the second level system
, but again I could be wrong. 

Alan Ackerman

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