DIAG 00 shows you the 3rd level CMS user, MAINT, and the 2nd level VM sys
tem,  VM2ND. It does 
not show you the name of the 1st level VM system, which is what I think w
as meant by parent.

On Tue, 1 Jun 2010 08:13:19 -0500, Frank M. Ramaekers <framaek...@ailife.
com> wrote:

>Okay, got a 2nd level VM up:
>==== This level of VM ====          
>VM: z/VM 5.4.0   0902 64-bit               
>User: MAINT      Time offset: -5              
>0000 E5D461C5E2C14040400005FF00000000 *VM/ESA   .......*
>0010 D4C1C9D5E34040407FFFFFC000000000 *MAINT   "..{....*
>0020 FFFFB9B004000386                 *.......f        *
>==== -1 level of VM ====           
>VM: z/VM 5.4.0   0903 64-bit LPAR             
>User: VM2ND      Time offset: -5              
>0000 E5D461C5E2C14040C000050000000000 *VM/ESA  {.......*
>0010 E5D4F2D5C44040407FFFFFC000000000 *VM2ND   "..{....*
>0020 FFFFB9B004000387                 *.......g        *
>Frank M. Ramaekers Jr.
>From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On
>Behalf Of Michael MacIsaac
>Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 7:56 AM
>Subject: Re: Query parent z/VM commands?
>> by knowing how deep you are in STSI, you can map it to DIAG 0. 
>If you say so. I still haven't seen an example, but it is somewhat moot
>because I'm still trying to avoid CMS, thus any REXX EXECs. 
>> An instance of CP is determined by cec.lpar[.userid1[.userid2]...] 
>Yes, I see that now. So the entire hierarchy of info I need *can* be
>found in /etc/sysinfo. I'll just need to add a rule that if you want to
>know about the second level z/VM at cec1.lpar1.userid1, then you will
>have to first pull the info from the first level z/VM at cec1.lpar1, to
>include the System_Identifier. Because only one first level z/VM can run

>in an LPAR, any z/VM running in cec1.lpar1.<*userid*> must be the child
>of the z/VM running in cec1.lpar1. 
>Thanks for the EXEC, but again it does not appear to show the
>System_Identifier of the parent z/VM, and again I'm trying to avoid
>using REXX EXECs. 
>Here is the output on my second level z/VM: 
>==== This level of VM ==== 
>VM: z/VM 5.4.0+ 1001 64-bit 
>User: MAINT      Time offset: -4 
>0000 E5D461C5E2C14040400006FF00000000 *VM/ESA   .......* 
>0010 D4C1C9D5E34040407FFFFFE000000000 *MAINT   "..\....* 
>0020 FFFFC7C0010003E9                 *..G{...Z        * 
>==== -1 level of VM ==== 
>VM: z/VM 5.4.0+ 0901 64-bit LPAR 
>User: VM140      Time offset: -4 
>0000 E5D461C5E2C14040C000060000000008 *VM/ESA  {.......* 
>0010 E5D4F1F4F04040407FFFFFE000000000 *VM140   "..\....* 
>0020 FFFFC7C001000385                 *..G{...e        * 
>Thanks to all who replied. 
>"Mike MacIsaac" <mike...@us.ibm.com>   (845) 433-7061

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