On Wed, 7 Jul 2010 13:26:10 -0500, Frank M. Ramaekers 
<framaek...@ailife.com> wrote:

>Aren't comments in column 7?  (Sequence 1-6 Continuation/comment column
>Frank M. Ramaekers Jr.

Yes, COBOL comments have an asterisk (*) in column 7.  In order to get th
correct record number for the file, the record number has to be added to 

the record first, then columns 7-72 are copied after the record number, 

then comment records are skipped, (the asterisk will now be in column 8 o
the modified record.

'| SPECS RECNO 1.6 7-72 8',       /* Record Number, Record */
'| NLOCATE 8 /*/',                /* Skip Comments */       

Dale R. Smith

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