On Wed, 21 Jul 2010 10:07:16 -0700, Tony Thigpen wrote
> Forget the IBM compiler. License the Dignus C/C++ 
> compiler for your pc and just upload the resulting
> objects. Several vendors that I know of use this 
> approach. Much cheaper.
>  http://www.dignus.com/products.shtml


The zip and unzip code is supported on many platforms, and 
uses pre-processor symbols to do this switching.   These are
standardized for the IBM XL C compiler on z/OS and VM/CMS.

Adding an additional build compiler is nontrivial.  It makes 
the logic even more complex, as one would need to support the
Dignus conventions for determining the target platform (not 
build platform).

RBC is already contributing my time on this effort, and paying
for a virtual AIX instance so I can do validation/development
on zip/unzip on AIX.   As we do not use zip or unzip on VM/CMS, 
I can hardly ask them to also pony up the ongoing price of yet
another compiler (whether IBM XC C for VM, or Dignus).

Al Dunsmuir   -    Sr. TSA, RBC.  Developer - RBDM

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