On Friday, July 23, 2010, 1:07:41 PM, Kris Buelens wrote:

>I hope that a port will save/restore the file dates.  One
>of the reasons I didn't like an old CMS ZIP version was 
>that it didn't preserve the file dates.


Good to know, and I suspect very easy to solve with either a system()
call or a few quick assembler routines.

The MVS port did the minimal support (and was broken when the z/OS USS
support was added). For MVS files it did not extract the file creation
date  from the z/OS catalog (DSCB). It also ignored the PDS ISPF-style
date/time  stamps.  I  intend  to  fix  that  (and  should  be able to
save/restore  the entire ISPF stats for each member). The restore will
likely take a small assembler stub.

I'm very interested in having folks with knowledge and opinions follow
the  InfoZIP  forum  topic  I've set up. It also lets the main InfoZIP
developers know that VM/CMS users exist.

BTW,  I'm looking at building options for tab expansion and insertion.
This  is  important  for  folks on MVS because the ISPF editor doesn't
really  support  the  EBCDIC TAB character all that well. I'm not sure
about   the   state  of  XEDIT's  support.  As  always,  comments  and
suggestions are welcome.

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