>>> On 8/5/2010 at 09:09 AM, Tom Duggan<dugg...@emigrant.com> wrote: 
> I'm trying to automate the replies up until the point in the
> process where SSH is launched to start yast.

Is this really an upgrade from a prior version, or a new install?  As others 
have pointed out, the parmfile will get you to the point of SSH running without 
any scripting.  If it is a brand new install, then you really want to use 
AutoYaST.  Beginning with SLES11, a complete AutoYaST file, coupled with the 
(declared) use of VNC will allow you to perform completely unattended installs. 
 That is, you don't have to connect via SSH or VNC for the install to run from 
start to finish.

Mark Post
Novell Technical Support

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