Hello Dave,


Thanks very much from your explanation despite being directed to George.


For us, is a good idea, do the same that you said, change the size from a 
minidisk of a virtual machine.


Looking in to Manual, We insert the DATAMOVE entries, in the CONFIG file, then 
res-start again the DIRMAINT.


Now, We need implement, the EXTENT CONTROL file, and We thing good idea, start 
define a Full Pack DISK to DRIMAINT define new minidisk.


Our EXTENT CONTROL file have this :


 EXTENT   CONTROL  E2  V 80  Trunc=80 Size=57 Line=36 Col=1 Alt=0               
===== * ********************************************************************    
===== :REGIONS.                                                                 
=====   *RegionId  VolSer    RegStart      RegEnd  Dev-Type  Comments           
===== :END.                                                                     
===== :GROUPS.                                                                  
=====   *GroupName RegionList                                                   
===== :END.                                                                     
===== :EXCLUDE.                                                                 
=====   * UserId Address                                                        
===== :END.                                                                     
===== :AUTOBLOCK.                                                               
=====   * IBM supplied defaults are contained in the AUTOBLK DATADVH file.      
=====   * The following are customer overrides and supplements.                 
=====   *                                                                       
=====   *DASDType BlockSize Blocks/Unit Alloc_Unit Architecture                 
===== :END.                                                                     
===== :DEFAULTS.                                                                
=====   * IBM supplied defaults are contained in the DEFAULTS DATADVH file.     
=====   * The following are customer overrides and supplements.                 
=====   *                                                                       
=====   *DASDType Max-Size                                                      
===== :END.                                                                     



So, Can I insert a DASD here, and start  ask to DIRMAINT create, or realocate 
any minidisk?


Thanks very much,





> Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 10:22:47 -0500
> From: d...@vsoft-software.com
> Subject: Re: How DIRMAINT Work ?
> George, the DIRMSAPI EXEC is supplied by IBM with the DIRMAINT
> product....here's the text about it from the manual:
> > The DIRMSAPI EXEC is an example of a REXX program that sets up the
> > proper environment for using the SAPI interface. The DVHSAPI EXEC
> > issues a command to the DIRMAINT service machine and waits for the
> > response, which it passes back to DIRMSAPI EXEC. Both of these sample
> > exec files reside on the user interface disk (4VMDVH10 11F, by
> > default) as file names DIRMSAPI EXECSAMP and DVHSAPI EXECSAMP. These
> > files are available for your examination.
> > 
> > Given a DirMaint command string, the DIRMSAPI EXEC routine calls the
> > DVHSAPI EXEC to send the command to the DIRMAINT service machine and
> > wait for the responses from the service machine. The responses are
> > returned from DVHSAPI in the "DVHSAPI." stem variable.
> > 
> > The DVHSAPI EXEC routine is not intended to be invoked as a command
> > directly from the console. It is intended to be called by a customer
> > supplied REXX program. The DIRMSAPI EXEC (or DIRMSAPI EXECSAMP file)
> > is a sample of such a program.
> To expand your 2CC minidisk, do this (assuming you have logged on as
> MAINT and have configured DIRMAINT correctly):
> DIRM FOR MAINT CMDISK 2CC 3390 AUTOG <new-misk-size> <volume-group-name>
> CMDISK == change minidisk size
> DIRMAINT will perform the following actions:
> 1) search the available DASD space in the group "volume-group-name" for
> a contiguous free space amount of at least "new-mdisk-size".
> 2) If enough free space is available, allocate it to user MAINT at some
> unused virtual address (say FFF here); if not, return an error message
> 3) copy all of the existing files from MAINT's current 2CC disk to the
> new FFF one.
> 4) delete the existing 2CC mdisk definition from MAINT's user directory
> entry
> 5) change the virtual address of the new mdisk from FFF to 2CC.
> 6) bring the new user directory entry for MAINT online.
> That's it, you now have a new 2CC midisk, of size "new-mdisk-size", with
> all of the old 2CC files on it.
> BTW, if I were looking at automating some DIRMAINT tasks, I would use
> the new system management APIs instead of the DIRMSAPI.....they are
> easier to code to (imho), can be driven across a TCPIP network, and
> enable VM management functions on the HMC. (Point and click virtual
> machine creation....)
> Hope this helps.
> On 10/01/2010 10:03 AM, George Henke/NYLIC wrote:
> > ty, Scott.
> > 
> > I would appreciate a copy of your DIRMSAPI EXEC.
> > 
> > Also, right now I am tight for space on my MAINT 2CC md.
> > 
> > Would DIRM allow me to expand that space with a single command as you
> > say and, if so, would you be good enough to give the specifics.
> > 
> > tia
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Scott Rohling <scott.rohl...@gmail.com> Sent by: The IBM z/VM
> > Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> 10/01/2010 10:57 AM Please
> > respond to The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Subject Re: How DIRMAINT Work ?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > There are many pros -- including attempting to keep you from shooting
> > yourself in the foot - allowing administrative control over who can
> > do what with the directory - allowing users to make their own changes
> > (like changing their password -- if you don't use an ESM) - etc. It
> > also allow you to assign volumes in groups and DIRMAINT will
> > automatically find free space and create minidisks out of those
> > groups. It attempts to prevent minidisk overlays, etc. It cleans
> > mindisks when they are deleted. It gives you a one command way to
> > increase a minidisk. I could go on for awhile
> > 
> > To me - one of the biggest advantages of DIRMAINT is that you now
> > have an automated way to create guests. You can use DIRMSAPI from
> > an EXEC -- get synchronous responses from DIRMAINT -- and voila - you
> > can manipulate the directory with an EXEC. Imagine: Create guest
> > from template directory, do a DIRM ADD, clone the disks, autolog the
> > new guest - with one script. Just ensure you have free space in
> > your DASD pools and your good.
> > 
> > Scott Rohling
> > 
> > On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 8:35 AM, George Henke/NYLIC < 
> > george_he...@newyorklife.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Ray,
> > 
> > Please attach a copy of your EXEC in a reply.
> > 
> > I would find it very useful.
> > 
> > Also, would someone please give the pro's and con's of using DIRMAINT
> > as opposed to just XEDIT directly.
> > 
> > As long as your check DISKMAP for OVER and specify the EDIT option
> > for DIRECTXA, does DIRMAINT really buy you that much more, other than
> > updating entries individually?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Ray Waters <ray.wat...@opensolutions.com> Sent by: The IBM z/VM
> > Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> 10/01/2010 10:24 AM
> > 
> > 
> > Please respond to The IBM z/VM Operating System
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Subject Re: How DIRMAINT Work ?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > We use all the “DIRMAINT ” or “DIRM” commands and also are able to
> > use XEDIT to make our major directory changes. I wrote an EXEC to
> > DIRECT A”.
> > 
> > Once my EXDIT changes are made and I “FILE”, I “COPY &DIRNAME DIRECT
> > 
> > Anyway you get the idea. There are precautions and sleeps and
> > performed by the EXEC, but that is the general idea.
> > 
> > Hope this helps, Ray Waters
> > 
> > From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu]
> > On Behalf Of Sergio Lima Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 8:55 AM To:
> > 
> > Hello List,
> > 
> > We need implement the DIRMAINT product here, but we have some
> > doubts.
> > 
> > Have a STEP there, when need migrate our VMUSERS DIRECT A to DIRMAINT
> > minidisk.
> > 
> > After do this, We never more can edit our VMUSERS DIRECT, as we do
> > today?
> > 
> > We are very concerned about this implementation, which we should take
> > necessary precautions?
> > 
> > We already have implemented this, in a test environment, apapparently
> > had no problems, but we need to make sure.
> > 
> > Could someone give their opinion?
> > 
> > Thanks very much
> > 
> > Sergio Lima Costa Sao Paulo - Brazil
> > 
> > 
> > NOTICE: This e-mail is intended solely for the use of the individual
> > to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is
> > privileged, confidential or otherwise exempt from disclosure. If the
> > reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient or the employee
> > or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended
> > recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
> > distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly 
> > prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please
> > immediately notify us by replying to the original message at the
> > listed email address. Thank You.
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> Dave Jones
> V/Soft Software
> www.vsoft-software.com
> Houston, TX
> 281.578.7544

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