>tyvm, really sweet.
>So we can "have our cake and eat it too".
>If I understand what you are saying.
>The real volser is on cylinder 0.
>But since we define minidisks from cylinder 1 to whatever, the minidisk,

>virtual disk, volser is defined on cylinder 1.
>Since DDR never really cares about or writes the last cylinder, though i
>complains, we can DDR to the minidisk, virtual disk, just as we would a
>to real disk and all is copacetic, at least as long as IBM does not mess

>with this.  (Hope Alan is not listening).

DDR does care and will try to copy the last cylinder, hence the error 
message it will produce.  It's that *we* don't care because we leave empt
the cylinder that won't be copied.  Which brings up the previously 
unmentioned point that for your PAGE and SPOOL packs you should *not* 
allocate that last cylinder as PAGE or SPOL.  In practice it will rarely 

make a difference unless your 2nd level system runs short on PAGE or SPOO
space - at which point it will abend when it tries to write to the 
cylinder it thinks is available but is beyond the end of the minidisk.

Brian Nielsen

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