On 10/14/10 12:15 PM, "George Henke/NYLIC" <george_he...@newyorklife.com>

> 5.4 has a longer TTL than 6.1.
> 6.1 does not have that much more functionality.
> Why would anyone go to a higher release that has a shorter expiration and not
> much more functionality?

One extenuating reason is that IBM is more likely to have tested the upgrade
path for release N from release N-1 than release N-2. This is somewhat of a
special case (5.4 being the last release before a major architecture
level-set), but the changes to 6.2 made public so far are going to be
doozies, and you don't need another annoying thing to worry about while
you're learning that stuff.

I think this is one case where I'd put up a 6.1 floor system and run the 5.4
production system in a guest. If you have Linux guests, they're pretty self
contained, it's going to be fairly easy to move them to 1st level quickly,
and your CMS users (if you have any) can do testing with both environments
easily. Also, 6.2 isn't that far off, so you could stay current and move
from 5.4 to 6.2 also in a guest, staying supported all the time. 

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