On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 17:57:33 -0400 (EDT), David Boyes wrote:
> Stephen Powell wrote:
>> You should know how to handle it from there.  In short, SAPL
>> supports SYSG but not SYSC; and ICKDSF supports SYSC but not SYSG!
>> Therefore, both the Integrated 3270 Console window and the Operating
>> System Messages window must be used, each for its own task.
> Yuck... 
> Two requirements, coming right up.... 
> -- db

Well, adding support to the Stand-Alone version of Device Support
Facilities for the integrated 3270 console (SYSG) makes sense,
although it may be a hard sell.  The integrated 3270 console is
regarded as "a VM thing" in the minds of the mostly-MVS-oriented
support team for Device Support Facilities.  As far as I know,
MVS itself doesn't support the integrated 3270 console.

On the other hand, adding support to the Stand-Alone Program Loader
(SAPL) for the integrated system console (the "Operating System
Messages" window, or SYSC) doesn't make sense to me.  The integrated
system console is a line-mode device, like a 3215.  The SAPL is a
full-screen application.  Getting it to run on a line-mode device
would mean a complete redesign of the user interface.  I don't
think that's likely.  I think that's why the integrated 3270
console was created in the first place.

  .''`.     Stephen Powell    
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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