You might also want to run CPFMTXA against the volume and check its
allocation map to see if there is anything other than PERM space on it. You
already have good suggestions from others to read the data from the volume.
pdb (Doug Breneman)
z/VM System Test   IBM   Endicott, NY

From:       Brian France <>
Date:       11/17/2010 03:33 PM
Subject:    A how to ?...
Sent by:    The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>

     Our storage folks have come across a dasd volume that apparently by
it's name was one of our VM volumes. Now, none of my 3 vm's have this
volume on line and I would like to just have a look see as to what was on
the volume. Is there a utility to do this? We have Vmdirect but I don't
believe by adding this volume into the pool a map is going to give me
anything since no users have it. IF this was z/OS, I would simply use ISPF
3.4 to list the contents of the volume and this is what I was wondering
about, it something like that existed in z/VM. Maybe this is something that
can't be done due to the nature of it all. Thanx in advance...


Brian W. France
Systems Administrator (Mainframe)
Pennsylvania State University
Administrative Information Services - Infrastructure/SYSARC
Rm 25 Shields Bldg., University Park, Pa. 16802

"To make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."

Carl Sagan

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