Thanks, Kris!

I guess I've just been lucky or dumb all this time (likely, the latter). 
Great suggestions.
The updated command (v1r1.1) is pasted below with your suggested changes 

Also, with the long strings of asterisks in the comment lines changed to 
at-signs (@) due to a long-ago suggestion from someone on the list that 
when REXX is parsing for comments, each time a comment has begun, every 
time it finds the next asterisk it has to see if the _next_ character is 
the comment-closing forward slash.  That takes more processing which an 
easily be avoided, even on today's faster hardware.).

Mike Walter
Aon Corporation
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

/* Prolog; See Epilog for additional information @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+
 | Exec Name     - LOSTDISK EXEC                                    |
 | Unit Support  - OSS/VM                                           |
 | Status        - Version 1, Release 1.1                           |

   address COMMAND
   parse source xos xct xfn xft xfm xcmd xenvir .
   parse upper arg parms 1 operands '(' options ')' parmrest

   parse var operands volid fn ft .
   If vol='' | volid='?' then
      Signal Explain

   If fn='' | ft='' then
        say 'Warning: searching for ONLY MINIDISKS'
        say 'If you need to find specific file patterns on lost' ,
            'disks, enter:' xfn '?'

   Do while wkopts<>''
      parse var wkopts opt wkopts
        When abbrev('FILELIST',opt,5) then ?fl=1
        When opt='FL'                 then ?fl=1
        When opt='LFOPTIONS'          then
        Otherwise nop
      End /* Select */

   If ?fl & ?lfopts then
        say xfn'; Mutually exclusive options specified:' ,
                 'FILELIST LFOPTIONS'
        Call Exit 20

   If rc=0 then
        'ACCESSM0 ON'
   Else If ?fl then
             say 'Warning!  Filemode 0 files will not be displayed' ,
                 'when using FILELIST option'
             say 'because the ACCESSM0 MODULE is unavailable.'

   /* Warning: CP DEFINE MDISK gets a R/W link to the disk.         */
   /* Do NOT issue a CMS RELEASE, just DETACH it - other users      */
   /* are likely to have a R/W link to the disk, release can        */
   /* provide a quick one-way encyryption (trash it)!               */
   Do cx=0 by 1
     'PIPE CP DETACH 001'
     /* Define MDISK thru 'END' to see Directory blks beyond 1st cyl*/
     'PIPE CP DEFINE MDISK 001' cx 'END' volid
        '| STEM emsg.'
      /* HCPLNM024E Cylinder or block numbers missing or invalid */
      If src=24 then Leave
      If rc<>0 then
          'PIPE STEM emsg. | CONS'
           Call Exit src
     'PIPE COMMAND ACCESS 001 Q/Q'            /* Prevent R/W access */
      If rc<>0 then Iterate
      If ft='' then
           If ?showhdr
              then showhdrstage=''
              else showhdrstage='| DROP 1'

              showhdrstage ,
             '| PREFACE STRLITERAL /HIT on cylinder:' right(cx,4,0)'/' ,
             '| CONSOLE'

     'PIPE COMMAND LISTFILE' fn ft 'Q ('lfopts '| STEM hit.'
      If rc<>0 then Iterate

      If ?showhdr
         then showhdrstage=''
         else showhdrstage='| DROP 1'

     'PIPE (END ? Name GetSizeToo)' ,
        '| COMMAND QUERY DISK Q' ,
        '| copy: FANOUT' ,
           showhdrstage ,
        '| PREFACE STRLITERAL /HIT on cylinder:' right(cx,4,0)'/' ,
        '| CONSOLE' ,
        '? copy:' ,
          '| TAKE LAST' ,
          '| VAR qdisk'

     'PIPE STEM hit. | CONSOLE'
      If \?fl then Iterate
     /* They want FILELIST, probably XEDIT.  Need real mdisk size.  */
     'PIPE CP DET 0001'
      parse var qdisk . . . . size .
     'PIPE CP DEFINE MDISK 001' cx size volid ,
        '| STEM emsg.'
      If rc<>0 then
          'PIPE STEM emsg. | CONS'
           Call Exit src

      /* Help prevent accidental R/W update *AFTER* FILELIST built  */
      If ?accm0
         then push 'COMMAND ACCESS 001 Q/Q (MODE0'
         else push 'COMMAND ACCESS 001 Q/Q'
      queue 'COMMAND EMSG Hit on cylinder' cx
     'EXEC FILELIST' fn ft 'Q'
Call Exit 0

/*                   Sub-Routines below this point                  */

   parse arg exitrc .
   If verify(exitrc,'-0123456789')=0 then Exit exitrc
                                     else Exit 999999

   say '+++ "ERROR" error routine entered in:' xfn xft xfm', rc='rc
   say '+++ from line:' sigl', which reads:'
   say '+++'sourceline(sigl)
Call Exit 20

   say '+++ "SYNTAX" error routine entered in:' xfn xft xfm', rc='rc
   say '+++ from line:' sigl', which reads:'
   say '+++'sourceline(sigl)
Call Exit 20

   say '+++ "NoValue" error routine entered in:' xfn xft xfm', rc='rc
   say '+++ from line:' sigl', which reads:'
   say '+++'sourceline(sigl)
   say '+++ Variable with no value is:' condition('Description')
Call Exit 24

  'PIPE (NAME Explain)' ,
     '| <' xfn xft xfm ,
     '| INSIDE /ExplainBegin:/ /ExplainEnd:/' ,
     '| CONSOLE'
   Call Exit 0
LOSTDISK is used from a userid with the PrivClass for 'CP DEFINE MDISK'
to locate minidisks, and optionally files, on a full-pack volume.
It is handy if you no longer have a DIRECTORY mapping that volume.




          Enter FILELIST on the files with patching filename (and
          optionally filetype) patterns from the found mdisk(s).

          Mutually exclusive with "FILELIST" or "FL".
          Issues LISTFILE for the specified "fnamepattern ftypepattern"
          with the "LFoptions" arguments as LISTFILE's options.

For example:

lostdisk vmres1
lostdisk vmpk01 *some* file*
lostdisk vmpk02 *some* cata* (filel
lostdisk vmu087 *some* *x*   (fl
lostdisk 520res user direct  (fl

/* Epilog @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+
 | Function      - See 'Explain' subroutine, above.                 |
 | Component of  - VM System Programmers Toolbox                    |
 | Command format- See 'Explain' subroutine, above.                 |
 | Called by     - Concerned sysprogs.                              |
 | Dependencies  - CMS REXX                                         |
 |               - CMS Pipelines                                    |
 |               - Privs to use the command CP DEFINE MDISK         |
 |               - Optionally, FILELIST EXEC                        |
 |               - Optionally, ACCESSM0 MODULE                      |
 | Program Lang. - CMS REXX                                         |
 | Date Written  - 20020226                                         |
 | Author        - Michael R. Walter                                |
 | Changed | By  | Description of Change                            |
 | --------+-----+------------------------------------------------- |
 | 20061107  mrw - Added example: lostdisk 520res user direct (fl   |
 |                 following real-life "test".  ;-)                 |
 | 20090408  mrw - Changed loop from 3338 cyls to rc=24.            |
 | 20090415  mrw - Add LFOPTIONS support.                           |
 | 20101118  mrw - Per suggestions from Kris Buelens:               |
 |                 chg: address CMS 'STATE ACCESSM0 MODULE *'       |
 |                   to 'CMDCALL STATE ACCESSM0 MODULE *'           |
 |                 chg: 'PIPE CP DEFINE MDISK 001' cx 1 volid ,     |
 |                  to: 'PIPE CP DEFINE MDISK 001' cx 'END' volid , |
 |                                                                  |

"Kris Buelens" <> 

Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
11/18/2010 05:05 AM
Please respond to
"The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>


Re: A how to ?...

I just tried both versions on an old 430RES disk.  The one that DEFINED 
MDISK of 1 cylinder missed 6 minidisks. For example:
HIT on cylinder: 0905                                               
MNT3B2 001  Q/Q R/O   146 3390 4096     6381      23804-91       247

2010/11/18 Kris Buelens <>
Nice piece of work.  Two remarks though:
1.      Why "address CMS 'STATE ACCESSM0 MODULE *'"?
If the use of address CMS is to get an error message, better code 'CMDCALL 
STATE ACCESSM0 MODULE *' this way you get error messages, and without 
loosing the safety of ADDRESS COMMAND.
2.      The MDISK you define before trying ACCESS, is always 1 cylinder 
big.  If the MDISK contains many files, the CMS directory file can extend 
beyond that cylinder and ACCESS will fail.  Without reverting to TRACKREAD 
(or alike) to extract record 3 (and search for CMS1 and if found, get the 
number of CMS formatted cylinders), you could better use
'PIPE CP DEFINE MDISK 001' cx 'END' volid 

2010/11/17 Mike Walter <>

Been there, done that, have the T-shirt (which seems to have shrunken a 
few sizes). 

Try copy/past of the following LOSTDISK EXEC.  It does require the ID to 
be able to execute the DEFINE MDISK command. 

Mike Walter
Aon Corporation
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's. 

/* Prolog; See Epilog for additional information ********************
* Exec Name     - LOSTDISK EXEC                                    *
* Unit Support  - OSS/VM                                           *
* Status        - Version 1, Release 1.0                           *
...<pruned to be ecologically green by saving bits>...

"Brian France" <> 

Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> 
11/17/2010 02:32 PM 

Please respond to
"The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>


A how to ?...

    Our storage folks have come across a dasd volume that apparently by 
it's name was one of our VM volumes. Now, none of my 3 vm's have this 
volume on line and I would like to just have a look see as to what was on 
the volume. Is there a utility to do this? We have Vmdirect but I don't 
believe by adding this volume into the pool a map is going to give me 
anything since no users have it. IF this was z/OS, I would simply use ISPF 
3.4 to list the contents of the volume and this is what I was wondering 
about, it something like that existed in z/VM. Maybe this is something 
that can't be done due to the nature of it all. Thanx in advance... 


Brian W. France
Systems Administrator (Mainframe)
Pennsylvania State University 
Administrative Information Services - Infrastructure/SYSARC
Rm 25 Shields Bldg., University Park, Pa. 16802 

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