Nice piece of work.  Two remarks though:

   1. Why "address CMS 'STATE ACCESSM0 MODULE *'"?
   If the use of address CMS is to get an error message, better code 'CMDCALL
   STATE ACCESSM0 MODULE *' this way you get error messages, and without
   loosing the safety of ADDRESS COMMAND.
   2. The MDISK you define before trying ACCESS, is always 1 cylinder big.
   If the MDISK contains many files, the CMS directory file can extend beyond
   that cylinder and ACCESS will fail.  Without reverting to TRACKREAD (or
   alike) to extract record 3 (and search for CMS1 and if found, get the number
   of CMS formatted cylinders), you could better use
   'PIPE CP DEFINE MDISK 001' cx 'END' volid

2010/11/17 Mike Walter <>

> Been there, done that, have the T-shirt (which seems to have shrunken a few
> sizes).
> Try copy/past of the following LOSTDISK EXEC.  It does require the ID to be
> able to execute the DEFINE MDISK command.
> Mike Walter
> Aon Corporation
> The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.
> /* Prolog; See Epilog for additional information ********************
> * Exec Name     - LOSTDISK EXEC                                    *
> * Unit Support  - OSS/VM                                           *
> * Status        - Version 1, Release 1.0                           *
> ********************************************************************/
>   address 'COMMAND'
>   parse source xos xct xfn xft xfm xcmd xenvir .
>   parse upper arg parms 1 operands '(' options ')' parmrest
>   parse var operands volid fn ft .
>   If vol='' | volid='?' then
>      Signal Explain
>   If fn='' | ft='' then
>      Do
>        say 'Warning: searching for ONLY MINIDISKS'
>        say 'If you need to find specific file patterns on lost' ,
>            'disks, enter:' xfn '?'
>      End
>   ?fl=0
>   ?LFopts=0
>   lfopts=''
>   wkopts=options
>   Do while wkopts<>''
>      parse var wkopts opt wkopts
>      Select
>        When abbrev('FILELIST',opt,5) then ?fl=1
>        When opt='FL'                 then ?fl=1
>        When opt='LFOPTIONS'          then
>          Do
>            ?lfopts=1
>            lfopts=wkopts
>            wkopts=''
>          End
>        Otherwise nop
>      End /* Select */
>   End
>   If ?fl & ?lfopts then
>      Do
>        say xfn'; Mutually exclusive options specified:' ,
>                 'FILELIST LFOPTIONS'
>        Call Exit 20
>      End
>   If rc=0 then
>      Do
>        'ACCESSM0 ON'
>        ?accm0=1
>      End
>   Else If ?fl then
>           Do
>             say 'Warning!  Filemode 0 files will not be displayed' ,
>                 'when using FILELIST option'
>             say 'because the ACCESSM0 MODULE is unavailable.'
>           End
>   /* Warning: CP DEFINE MDISK gets a R/W link to the disk.         */
>   /* Do NOT issue a CMS RELEASE, just DETACH it - other users      */
>   /* are likely to have a R/W link to the disk, release can        */
>   /* provide a quick one-way encyryption (trash it)!               */
>   ?showhdr=1
>   Do cx=0 by 1
>     'PIPE CP DETACH 001'
>     'PIPE CP DEFINE MDISK 001' cx 1 volid ,
>        '| STEM emsg.'
>      src=rc
>      /* HCPLNM024E Cylinder or block numbers missing or invalid */
>      If src=24 then Leave
>      If rc<>0 then
>         Do
>           src=rc
>          'PIPE STEM emsg. | CONS'
>           Call Exit src
>         End
>     'PIPE COMMAND ACCESS 001 Q/Q'            /* Prevent R/W access */
>      If rc<>0 then Iterate
>      If ft='' then
>         Do
>           If ?showhdr
>              then showhdrstage=''
>              else showhdrstage='| DROP 1'
>              showhdrstage ,
>             '| PREFACE STRLITERAL /HIT on cylinder:' right(cx,4,0)'/' ,
>             '| CONSOLE'
>           ?showhdr=0
>           Iterate
>         End
>     'PIPE COMMAND LISTFILE' fn ft 'Q ('lfopts '| STEM hit.'
>      If rc<>0 then Iterate
>      If ?showhdr
>         then showhdrstage=''
>         else showhdrstage='| DROP 1'
>     'PIPE (END ? Name GetSizeToo)' ,
>        '| COMMAND QUERY DISK Q' ,
>        '| copy: FANOUT' ,
>           showhdrstage ,
>        '| PREFACE STRLITERAL /HIT on cylinder:' right(cx,4,0)'/' ,
>        '| CONSOLE' ,
>        '? copy:' ,
>          '| TAKE LAST' ,
>          '| VAR qdisk'
>      ?showhdr=0
>     'PIPE STEM hit. | CONSOLE'
>      If \?fl then Iterate
>     /* They want FILELIST, probably XEDIT.  Need real mdisk size.  */
>     'PIPE CP DET 0001'
>      parse var qdisk . . . . size .
>     'PIPE CP DEFINE MDISK 001' cx size volid ,
>        '| STEM emsg.'
>      If rc<>0 then
>         Do
>           src=rc
>          'PIPE STEM emsg. | CONS'
>           Call Exit src
>         End
>      /* Help prevent accidental R/W update *AFTER* FILELIST built  */
>      If ?accm0
>         then push 'COMMAND ACCESS 001 Q/Q (MODE0'
>         else push 'COMMAND ACCESS 001 Q/Q'
>      queue 'COMMAND EMSG Hit on cylinder' cx
>     'EXEC FILELIST' fn ft 'Q'
>   End
> Call Exit 0
> /********************************************************************/
> /*                   Sub-Routines below this point                  */
> /********************************************************************/
> Exit:
>   parse arg exitrc .
>   If verify(exitrc,'-0123456789')=0 then Exit exitrc
>                                     else Exit 999999
> Error:
>   say '+++ "ERROR" error routine entered in:' xfn xft xfm', rc='rc
>   say '+++ from line:' sigl', which reads:'
>   say '+++'sourceline(sigl)
> Call Exit 20
> Syntax:
>   say '+++ "SYNTAX" error routine entered in:' xfn xft xfm', rc='rc
>   say '+++ from line:' sigl', which reads:'
>   say '+++'sourceline(sigl)
> Call Exit 20
> NoValue:
>   say '+++ "NoValue" error routine entered in:' xfn xft xfm', rc='rc
>   say '+++ from line:' sigl', which reads:'
>   say '+++'sourceline(sigl)
>   say '+++ Variable with no value is:' condition('Description')
> Call Exit 24
> Explain:
>  'PIPE (NAME Explain)' ,
>     '| <' xfn xft xfm ,
>     '| INSIDE /ExplainBegin:/ /ExplainEnd:/' ,
>     '| CONSOLE'
>   Call Exit 0
> /*
> ExplainBegin:
> LOSTDISK is used from a userid with the PrivClass for 'CP DEFINE MDISK'
> to locate mindisks, and optionally files, on a full-pack volume.
> It is handy if you no longer have a DIRECTORY mapping that volume.
> Syntax:
> >--LOSTDISK--+-volser-+--+---------------------------------+-|options|-><
>                         +--fnamepattern--+----------------+
>                                          +--ftypepattern--+
> |-Options-|
> FILEList
> FL
>          Enter FILELIST on the files with patching filename (and
>          optionally filetype) patterns from the found mdisk(s).
> LFoptions
>          Mutually exclusive with "FILELIST" or "FL".
>          Issues LISTFILE for the specified "fnamepattern ftypepattern"
>          with the "LFoptions" arguments as LISTFILE's options.
> For example:
> lostdisk vmres1
> lostdisk vmpk01 *some* file*
> lostdisk vmpk02 *some* cata* (filel
> lostdisk vmu087 *some* *x*   (fl
> lostdisk 520res user direct  (fl
> ExplainEnd:
> */
> /* Epilog ***********************************************************
> * Function      - See 'Explain' subroutine, above.                 *
> * Component of  - VM System Programmers Toolbox                    *
> * Command format- See 'Explain' subroutine, above.                 *
> * Called by     - Concerned sysprogs.                              *
> * Dependencies  - CMS REXX                                         *
> *               - CMS Pipelines                                    *
> *               - Privs to use the command CP DEFINE MDISK         *
> *               - Optionally, FILELIST EXEC                        *
> *               - Optionally, ACCESSM0 MODULE                      *
> * Program Lang. - CMS REXX                                         *
> * Date Written  - 20020226                                         *
> * Author        - Michael R. Walter                                *
> * Changed | By  | Description of Change                            *
> * --------+-----+------------------------------------------------- *
> * 20061107  mrw - Added example: lostdisk 520res user direct (fl   *
> *                 following real-life "test".  ;-)                 *
> * 20090408  mrw - Changed loop from 3338 cyls to rc=24.            *
> * 20090415  mrw - Add LFOPTIONS support.                           *
> *                                                                  *
> ********************************************************************/
>  *"Brian France" <>*
> Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
> 11/17/2010 02:32 PM
>  Please respond to
> "The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
>   To
> cc
>   Subject
> A how to ?...
> Folks,
>     Our storage folks have come across a dasd volume that apparently by
> it's name was one of our VM volumes. Now, none of my 3 vm's have this volume
> on line and I would like to just have a look see as to what was on the
> volume. Is there a utility to do this? We have Vmdirect but I don't believe
> by adding this volume into the pool a map is going to give me anything since
> no users have it. IF this was z/OS, I would simply use ISPF 3.4 to list the
> contents of the volume and this is what I was wondering about, it something
> like that existed in z/VM. Maybe this is something that can't be done due to
> the nature of it all. Thanx in advance...
> --
> --
> Brian W. France
> Systems Administrator (Mainframe)
> Pennsylvania State University
> Administrative Information Services - Infrastructure/SYSARC
> Rm 25 Shields Bldg., University Park, Pa. 16802
> 814-863-4739 *
> *** <>
> "To make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."
> Carl Sagan
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IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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