On Thursday, 12/02/2010 at 10:08 EST, Richard Troth <vmcow...@gmail.com> 

> The bottom line for UFT is to do over TCP what RSCS does over 
> not in the way NJE/IP does.  (Of course, it might be a good hint to the 
> NJE/IP authors and owners to create a UFT driver for their stuff.  hint 
> The point is that UFT gives you RSCS-style transport without adding more 

> network topology.  If then you are behind a firewall, you might not care 
> secure the UFT channels.  (Did he just say that?  He did!  I can't 
believe he 
> said that!) 

Bah, humbug.  You simply added a new network with the label "UFT" instead 
of "NJE".

The problem with "behind the firewall" is that the firewall can appear to 
move since FW management isn't within your job description.  Further, 
encryption is there to protect the data from sniffers (legitimate or 
otherwise).  When the $10/hr network tech is diagnosing a problem, do you 
want him to have access to your 401K information while she's doing it? 

Hence the reason a data security policies may say,  "All PII shall be 
encrypted when at rest or transmitted on a network."  No qualifiers and no 
escape clauses.  You have to file for any exception.

Alan Altmark

z/VM and Linux on System z Consultant
IBM System Lab Services and Training 
office: 607.429.3323
IBM Endicott

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