Has anyone tried using TN3270 on an ipad or other tablet?
I see there is a TN3270 application available for the ipad  (OTC about $35).

Does tablets have VPN available?

As a side question, does tables have apps that use PDF files?
I assume that there is a Putty type application.
Also, can you attach, and address thumb drives on these things.  Thinking about 
all my mainframe manuals on a thumb drive accessible via a tablet.

As far as communications goes, the more expensive version of the ipad had 3G 
which seems to require a monthly subscription.  Both the expensive one and the 
cheap one have wifi capability.  I would think I could make my Blackberry a 
hotspot so the cheaper ipad can hitch a ride.

I know, a little too late for Christmas, but there is always a New Year!

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

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