Happy New Year folks - I need a sanity-check, please ...

I've not used RACF on VM for a few decades and I believed that, as z/OS
advanced, there came a time when it was no longer possible to share a RAC
database between a z/VM system and a z/OS system.  I'm sure that this bel
was based upon statements made by people that I trust, plus my own
understanding of the disparity between RACF development on z/OS and its
development on z/VM, but ...

On page 4 of SC24-6149-01 it unequivocally states that (subject to a numb
of caveats such as needing to reside on full-pack minidisks) the database

CAN be shared.

Hmm - can anyone who's actually current on RACF (rather than simply a
book-learner such as myself) please help me out with an indication of
today's thinking as far as the sharing of a RACF database is concerned.
(This is specifically sharing with z/OS.)

(I see possible responses ranging from, "Don't even THINK about it!"
through, "It's possible but only a masochist would do it" and, "It can be

done but there are restrictions" up to, "It's a breeze - just follow the

In the hope that I'm not stirring up a hornet's-nest and with thanks in

Jeff Gribbin

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