PIPE doesn't always use CSL call to read SFS files.  It depends on what is
specified in the parameters coded on the < stage.  MAILIT passes a filemode,
so PIPE will use the classic driver "<mdsk" and not "<SFS".
And, indeed, I have some vague memories having encountered some problem
where PIPE gave RC=0 with a problem in SFS.  When using <SFS, PIPE did
indeed display the correct CSL reasoncodes and ended with a non-zero

With the following change, you can instruct MAILIT to use to use <SFS if
Go to subroutine:
  SMTP_MimeFiles: /* Handle MIME headers for SMTP attached files.    */
Some 25 lines down, make it read as follows, the red lines are new.
   if MimeOpt.at#.0TXT then do
      mRead='VAR MIMEOPT.'at#'.0STR direct!Deblock Linend
      'PIPE' mRead'!COUNT bytes MaxLine!VAR T'
      parse var t siz lrecl
   end; else do
      call csl 'DMSQFMOD retc reas t buffer flag'
       When reas<>0  then mRead='<' fn ft fm
       when flag=3!flag=4 then mRead='<' fn ft fm
       Otherwise mRead='<SFS' fn ft fm 'WORKUNIT PRIVATE'
      /*say 'mRead='mread */
      parse var MimeOpt.at#.0SIZE siz lrecl
If that indeed cures the problem, I could make that change to MAILIT for
everyone. ("cure" is not the right word here, better is "make the SFS
problem visible").
You could also send me such a small, 4 records, file s that I can have a
look at it:
  - transfer such a file to your reader
and send me the VMARC

2011/1/25 Bill Pettit <bill.pet...@ormutual.com>

>  Unfortunately I am not any more than an entry level PIPE's person.  I am
> guessing though that inside pipes it must be using CSL routines for it's SFS
> access to get to my PDF files to attach, and I would really like to see
> the return codes from those CSL routines (if that's how it's done).
> Anyone know if that's possible?
> Bill
>  -----Original Message-----
> *From:* The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] *On
> Behalf Of *Kris Buelens
> *Sent:* Friday, January 21, 2011 1:27 PM
> *Subject:* Re: MAILIT question
>  I tested MAILIT today with an ATTACH of a not existing file, and in such a
> case nothing gets sent.
> I just looked at the code. the actual sending to SMTP happens in
> SendNetDataFile:
>  'PIPE (Name PunchMail end ~) STEM HEAD.', /* take the header info   */
>      SmtpPrefFil,              /* Maybe attach SMTP files */
>      SmtpBodyHdr,              /* Maybe insert header for body */
>      '|APPEND VAR PrefaceText||Deblock Linend', /* The preface       */
>      '|APPEND VAR Contents||Deblock Linend', /* The body of the file */
>      '|APPEND VAR AppendText||Deblock Linend', /* The preface        */
>      left('|CONSOLE',8*console),
>      SmtpAttFil,               /* Maybe attach SMTP files */
>      FixDotLineForSmtp,        /* Maybe fix a line with . only */
>       ApndMailTrail,           /* take the trailer info              */
>       padding,                 /* pad with blanks if FIXED file      */
>      '|CHANGE //'||'00'x||'/', /* Tell it are data records           */
>      '|PREFACE VAR INMR03',    /* add INMR header record */
>      '|PREFACE VAR INMR02',    /* add INMR header record */
>      '|PREFACE VAR INMR04',    /* add INMR "user parms" */
>      '|PREFACE VAR INMR01',    /* add INMR header record */
>      '|APPEND VAR INMR06',     /* add INMR trailer record */
> '|CT1: COUNT bytes',
>      '|BLOCK 80 NETDATA',      /* Make NETDATA punch format */
> '|CT2: COUNT bytes',
>      '|PUNCH',
> '~CT1:|VAR CT1 ~CT2:|VAR CT2'
>  if rc<>0 then do
>     call diag 8,'SPOOL D PURGE' /* remove unfinished spool file */
>     return 405 'PIPE had problems with PUNCH'
>  end
> The SMTPATTFIL Rexx variable -used above- contains a < stage to read the
> files to attach, and that should set this PIPE's rc to non-zero when it
> fails, and the punched file would get purged.
> What MAILIT also does is purging any unclosed spool file data on 000D
> before it starts to punch itself with the above PIPE.
> 2011/1/21 Hughes, Jim <jim.hug...@doit.nh.gov>
>>  Have you looked at these spool files containing 4 records?  If so, what
>> do they look like?
>> ____________________
>> James R. Hughes
>> TSG, Problem Solver
>> NH Department of Information Technology
>> 603-271-5586(w); 603-491-3071(c)
>> www.nh.gov/doit
>> "Statement of Confidentiality: The contents of this message are
>> confidential. Any unauthorized disclosure, reproduction, use or
>> dissemination (either whole or in part) is prohibited. If you are not the
>> intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender immediately and
>> delete the message from your system."
>> It is fun to do the impossible.
>>   ------------------------------
>> *From:* The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] *On
>> Behalf Of *Bill Pettit
>> *Sent:* Friday, January 21, 2011 12:42 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: MAILIT question
>> Kris;
>> I have verified the PDF files that MAILIT is attempting to send as
>> attached files are not empty PDF files.  And for several weeks I have been
>> displaying the return code from the MAILIT call in my EXEC.  Below are
>> snippets of the console files from my exec calling MAILIT and my SMTP
>> server.
>> This only happens once in a while and never for all of the files/emails
>> being sent during a particular call to the process.  On this night
>> (1/18) there were 176 emails sent with attached PDF files, and 7 were
>> rejected by SMTP as being null.  I read in one of the files that got
>> rejected to my reader by SMTP, I can tell it's a file from MAILIT but that
>> is about it.
>> IF my SFS server rejected the request from MAILIT to access the PDF file I
>> am trying to attach to my the email, would MAILIT report that rejection in
>> it's return code when it comes back to my exec?
>> =======================
>> From my exec calling MAILIT
>> =======================
>> 13612  Send_attached_file:
>> 13613    dfer...@serinc.net                000023 PDF R1
>> 22:20:53
>> 13614  Mailit-rc=
>> 0
>> 13615  * From SMTP: Received Spool File
>> 3875
>> =======================
>> From my SMTP machine
>> =======================
>> 04451  RDR FILE 3874 SENT FROM ARPTSRVR PUN WAS 6954 RECS 0191 CPY  001 A
>> -> 04452  RDR FILE 3875 SENT FROM ARPTSRVR PUN WAS 6955 RECS 0004 CPY  001
>> -> 04453  DTCSMT1227E 01/18/11 22:20:53     Null Spool File: 3875
>> transferred to
>> 04454  RDR FILE 3876 SENT FROM ARPTSRVR PUN WAS 6956 RECS 0200 CPY  001 A
>> 04455  RDR FILE 3877 SENT FROM ARPTSRVR PUN WAS 6957 RECS 0004 CPY  001 A
>> 04456  DTCSMT1227E 01/18/11 22:21:13     Null Spool File: 3877
>> transferred to
>> 04457  RDR FILE 3878 SENT FROM ARPTSRVR PUN WAS 6958 RECS 0192 CPY  001 A
>> 04458  RDR FILE 3879 SENT FROM ARPTSRVR PUN WAS 6959 RECS 0192 CPY  001 A
>> 04459  RDR FILE 3880 SENT FROM ARPTSRVR PUN WAS 6960 RECS 0004 CPY  001 A
>> 04460  DTCSMT1227E 01/18/11 22:21:43     Null Spool File: 3880
>> transferred to BILLP
>> =======================
>> Thank you
>> Bill
>> -----Original Message-----
>> *From:* The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] *On
>> Behalf Of *Kris Buelens
>> *Sent:* Thursday, January 20, 2011 9:41 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: MAILIT question
>> No, no-oneever told me about such problems.  Note that there are no
>> timeout mechanisms in SFS, so a slow SFS server can only cause a slowdown of
>> MAILIT.  At the other hand, if the SMTP server on VM is slowed down, maybe
>> the mail server it is sending mail too gets impatient?
>> MAILIT can not know if SMTP dislikes a mail file: it doesn't communicate
>> with SMTP: it simply creates a spool file and send that to SMTP.
>> If you suspect MAILIT gives RC 0 when a file to attach isn't found, simply
>> try it out?  Like this
>>    MAILIT TEST TO(xxxx at yyyy) subject test attach(notexist file) text
>> this is a test
>> 2011/1/20 Bill Pettit <bill.pet...@ormutual.com>
>> I have been using MAILIT to send emails with attached PDF files for
>> several months now. 99.5% of the time it works like a champ, no errors.
>> But, every now and then I find a few of the emails rejected by SMTP, he
>> says it he rejecting them because they are NULL files.
>> I have nailed this down I think to periods when my SFS server is very busy
>> receiving files from other processes that are running at the same time, it
>> just depends where we are in our nightly batch cycle if this happens to
>> coincide with the sending of the emails with the attached PDF files.
>> The problem is MAILIT always returns me a zero return code, whether the
>> files are rejected by SMTP or not.  I am suspecting (and hoping) that MAILIT
>> is getting a return code from SFS saying it cannot provide the file for
>> MAILIT to attach when MAILIT is building the email, but I have not been able
>> to verify that yet.
>> Anyone else that is using MAILIT have a similar experience?
>> Thank you
>> Bill Pettit
>> --
>> Kris Buelens,
>> IBM Belgium, VM customer support
> --
> Kris Buelens,
> IBM Belgium, VM customer support

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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