
Still no problems since this change and the error tracking was added.  
Continuing to keep fingers crossed ( a highly technical method of hope! )


-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Kris Buelens
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: MAILIT question

PIPE doesn't always use CSL call to read SFS files.  It depends on what is 
specified in the parameters coded on the < stage.  MAILIT passes a filemode, so 
PIPE will use the classic driver "<mdsk" and not "<SFS".
And, indeed, I have some vague memories having encountered some problem where 
PIPE gave RC=0 with a problem in SFS.  When using <SFS, PIPE did indeed display 
the correct CSL reasoncodes and ended with a non-zero returncode.

With the following change, you can instruct MAILIT to use to use <SFS if 
Go to subroutine:
  SMTP_MimeFiles: /* Handle MIME headers for SMTP attached files.    */
Some 25 lines down, make it read as follows, the red lines are new.
   if then do
      mRead='VAR MIMEOPT.'at#'.0STR direct!Deblock Linend
      'PIPE' mRead'!COUNT bytes MaxLine!VAR T'
      parse var t siz lrecl
   end; else do
      call csl 'DMSQFMOD retc reas t buffer flag'
       When reas<>0  then mRead='<' fn ft fm
       when flag=3!flag=4 then mRead='<' fn ft fm
       Otherwise mRead='<SFS' fn ft fm 'WORKUNIT PRIVATE'
      /*say 'mRead='mread */
      parse var siz lrecl
If that indeed cures the problem, I could make that change to MAILIT for 
everyone. ("cure" is not the right word here, better is "make the SFS problem 
You could also send me such a small, 4 records, file s that I can have a look 
at it:
  - transfer such a file to your reader
and send me the VMARC

2011/1/25 Bill Pettit 

Unfortunately I am not any more than an entry level PIPE's person.  I am 
guessing though that inside pipes it must be using CSL routines for it's SFS 
access to get to my PDF files to attach, and I would really like to see the 
return codes from those CSL routines (if that's how it's done).

Anyone know if that's possible?


-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
Kris Buelens

Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: MAILIT question

I tested MAILIT today with an ATTACH of a not existing file, and in such a case 
nothing gets sent.

I just looked at the code. the actual sending to SMTP happens in 

 'PIPE (Name PunchMail end ~) STEM HEAD.', /* take the header info   */
     SmtpPrefFil,              /* Maybe attach SMTP files */
     SmtpBodyHdr,              /* Maybe insert header for body */
     '|APPEND VAR PrefaceText||Deblock Linend', /* The preface       */
     '|APPEND VAR Contents||Deblock Linend', /* The body of the file */
     '|APPEND VAR AppendText||Deblock Linend', /* The preface        */
     SmtpAttFil,               /* Maybe attach SMTP files */
     FixDotLineForSmtp,        /* Maybe fix a line with . only */
      ApndMailTrail,           /* take the trailer info              */
      padding,                 /* pad with blanks if FIXED file      */
     '|CHANGE //'||'00'x||'/', /* Tell it are data records           */
     '|PREFACE VAR INMR03',    /* add INMR header record */
     '|PREFACE VAR INMR02',    /* add INMR header record */
     '|PREFACE VAR INMR04',    /* add INMR "user parms" */
     '|PREFACE VAR INMR01',    /* add INMR header record */
     '|APPEND VAR INMR06',     /* add INMR trailer record */
'|CT1: COUNT bytes',
     '|BLOCK 80 NETDATA',      /* Make NETDATA punch format */
'|CT2: COUNT bytes',
'~CT1:|VAR CT1 ~CT2:|VAR CT2'
 if rc<>0 then do
    call diag 8,'SPOOL D PURGE' /* remove unfinished spool file */
    return 405 'PIPE had problems with PUNCH'

The SMTPATTFIL Rexx variable -used above- contains a < stage to read the files 
to attach, and that should set this PIPE's rc to non-zero when it fails, and 
the punched file would get purged.

What MAILIT also does is purging any unclosed spool file data on 000D before it 
starts to punch itself with the above PIPE.

2011/1/21 Hughes, Jim <<>>

Have you looked at these spool files containing 4 records?  If so, what do they 
look like?

James R. Hughes
TSG, Problem Solver
NH Department of Information Technology
603-271-5586(w); 603-491-3071(c)<>

"Statement of Confidentiality: The contents of this message are confidential. 
Any unauthorized disclosure, reproduction, use or dissemination (either whole 
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It is fun to do the impossible.


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
Bill Pettit
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 12:42 PM

Subject: Re: MAILIT question


I have verified the PDF files that MAILIT is attempting to send as attached 
files are not empty PDF files.  And for several weeks I have been displaying 
the return code from the MAILIT call in my EXEC.  Below are snippets of the 
console files from my exec calling MAILIT and my SMTP server.

This only happens once in a while and never for all of the files/emails being 
sent during a particular call to the process.  On this night (1/18) there were 
176 emails sent with attached PDF files, and 7 were rejected by SMTP as being 
null.  I read in one of the files that got rejected to my reader by SMTP, I can 
tell it's a file from MAILIT but that is about it.

IF my SFS server rejected the request from MAILIT to access the PDF file I am 
trying to attach to my the email, would MAILIT report that rejection in it's 
return code when it comes back to my exec?

>From my exec calling MAILIT
13612  Send_attached_file:
13613<>                000023 
PDF R1 22:20:53
13614  Mailit-rc= 0
13615  * From SMTP: Received Spool File 3875
>From my SMTP machine
04451  RDR FILE 3874 SENT FROM ARPTSRVR PUN WAS 6954 RECS 0191 CPY  001 A 
-> 04452  RDR FILE 3875 SENT FROM ARPTSRVR PUN WAS 6955 RECS 0004 CPY  001 A 
-> 04453  DTCSMT1227E 01/18/11 22:20:53     Null Spool File: 3875  transferred 
04454  RDR FILE 3876 SENT FROM ARPTSRVR PUN WAS 6956 RECS 0200 CPY  001 A 
04455  RDR FILE 3877 SENT FROM ARPTSRVR PUN WAS 6957 RECS 0004 CPY  001 A 
04456  DTCSMT1227E 01/18/11 22:21:13     Null Spool File: 3877  transferred to 
04457  RDR FILE 3878 SENT FROM ARPTSRVR PUN WAS 6958 RECS 0192 CPY  001 A 
04458  RDR FILE 3879 SENT FROM ARPTSRVR PUN WAS 6959 RECS 0192 CPY  001 A 
04459  RDR FILE 3880 SENT FROM ARPTSRVR PUN WAS 6960 RECS 0004 CPY  001 A 
04460  DTCSMT1227E 01/18/11 22:21:43     Null Spool File: 3880  transferred to 

Thank you


-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
Kris Buelens
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: MAILIT question

No, no-oneever told me about such problems.  Note that there are no timeout 
mechanisms in SFS, so a slow SFS server can only cause a slowdown of MAILIT.  
At the other hand, if the SMTP server on VM is slowed down, maybe the mail 
server it is sending mail too gets impatient?
MAILIT can not know if SMTP dislikes a mail file: it doesn't communicate with 
SMTP: it simply creates a spool file and send that to SMTP.
If you suspect MAILIT gives RC 0 when a file to attach isn't found, simply try 
it out?  Like this
   MAILIT TEST TO(xxxx at yyyy) subject test attach(notexist file) text this is 
a test

2011/1/20 Bill Pettit 

I have been using MAILIT to send emails with attached PDF files for several 
months now. 99.5% of the time it works like a champ, no errors.

But, every now and then I find a few of the emails rejected by SMTP, he says it 
he rejecting them because they are NULL files.

I have nailed this down I think to periods when my SFS server is very busy 
receiving files from other processes that are running at the same time, it just 
depends where we are in our nightly batch cycle if this happens to coincide 
with the sending of the emails with the attached PDF files.

The problem is MAILIT always returns me a zero return code, whether the files 
are rejected by SMTP or not.  I am suspecting (and hoping) that MAILIT is 
getting a return code from SFS saying it cannot provide the file for MAILIT to 
attach when MAILIT is building the email, but I have not been able to verify 
that yet.

Anyone else that is using MAILIT have a similar experience?

Thank you
Bill Pettit

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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