No, I'm thinking the CP allocation bit maps.

Consider a different view.
If z/VM could be installed on any model of 3390-3 or greater, why would they 
say that it could only be installed on a MOD-3 or a MOD-9?  To me that means 
that their install process is model specific.  So why?  Is it that the CP 
allocations areas, which are model specific, won't allow it?  Is it that the 
install process determines the model type and then has different install paths? 
 If the model type isn't supported, what does the install process do?

I've seen installs of other OS on models greater then what the install 
supported, and the documentation said that the extra space would not be used 
for the installation, but you can use that space for other uses.  Does the VM 
install guide say that type of disclaimer?  If not, I doubt an install on any 
other than a MOD-3 or MOD-9 would go good.  

However, if you are a VM Systems Programmer, just do the install manually and 
it should be doable.

If all you have are MOD-27s, how about creating MOD-3 or MOD-9 minidisks, 
starting on Cylinder 0, and install second level?  The install process would 
see one of the supported models and be happy.  But you may still have a problem 
with the CP allocation area, when you IPL the full pack.  If interested, just 
try it.  An install is only a few hours before you can test.

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

>>> Scott Rohling <> 2/9/2011 10:20 AM >>>
I don't understand why you say the install can't be done on something
greater than a mod 9 ...   I'm pretty sure it can - if you don't mind empty
space.  Cylinder 0 is sufficient..     maybe you are thinking of XLINK bit

Scott Rohling

On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 8:32 AM, Tom Duerbusch <>wrote:

> The question comes back to what sized volumes can be CPOWNED?
> A CPOWNED volume has a bit map that defines the CP areas.
> The install of VM is really just a DDR restore and the bit maps are defined
> by IBM.
> On the smaller volumes, wasn't it one track for the bit maps?  And for the
> larger volumes you needed a second track?  I'm fuzzy on if it was a MOD-9
> required a second track or it was the largest that used a single track.
> Anyway, on a MOD-27 or MOD-54, what is on the additional tracks?  Did IBM
> leave them (and tested the fact) that they are binary zeros which is PERM
> space?  Or is there some other stuff out there that might say some cylinders
> are TEMP, PAGE or other CP space?  And was that extra space formatted by
> CPFMTXA to be CP space?
> So, in my book, the install can't be done on something greater than a
> MOD-9.  You may be able to build a VM system on any size volume however.
> Tom Duerbusch
> THD Consulting
> >>> Jakub x <> 2/9/2011 2:10 AM >>>
> Hello,
> Can I install z/VM (5.4 or 6.1) on dasd 9 model 27 ?
> I found in documentation "Only 3390 Model 3 or 9 is supported for
> installation of z/VM. " but in another part of documentation I saw that
> "DASD 9 including large Model 9s known as Model 27 and Model 54".
> Best regards,
> Jakub Szefler

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