On Wednesday, 02/09/2011 at 03:10 EST, Jakub x <jszef...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Can I install z/VM (5.4 or 6.1) on dasd 9 model 27 ?


> I found in documentation "Only 3390 Model 3 or 9 is supported for 
> of z/VM. " but in another part of documentation I saw that "DASD 9 
> large Model 9s known as Model 27 and Model 54".

It can be confusing.   Technically, all of these large DASD are 3390 Model 
9s.  They simply have varying numbers of cylinders.   Even if you define a 
Model 9 with 1113 cylinders, it reports itself as a Model 9, not a Model 
1.  It should probably say "3390 Model 9 with at least 10 017 cylinders." 
We use these other pseudo-model numbers as way to express the number of 
cylinders.  A Model 57 has 57 x 1113 cylinders, the largest multiple of 
1113 less than 64K.

The allocation maps for spooling and paging volumes are built at 
installation time.   The entire volume is formatted, but only the first 10 
016 cylinders are allocated as SPOL or PAGE.  That means the rest is PERM. 
 I recommend that when you're done with installation, go back and 
reallocate those volumes so that they are entirely SPOL or PAGE.

Alan Altmark

z/VM and Linux on System z Consultant
IBM System Lab Services and Training 
office: 607.429.3323
IBM Endicott

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