When i do the analysis for 100% capture ratio, i add the physical overhead, the logical overhead and the z/vm captured time. that works. so vm must be lpar aware...

Gregg wrote:

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 7:31 PM, George Henke/NYLIC <george_he...@newyorklife.com <mailto:george_he...@newyorklife.com>> wrote:

    ...And so the important factor is no what % of phyiscal CP (PCP) bu
    what % of logical CPU is being realized in each LPAR, Guest Machine....

Some percent of an interval is going to be used by PR/SM for Physical CP and LPar Management. A small percentage but is it reflected in accounting records? If VM is watching the wall clock and the last time it looked at a machine it was running, PR/SM steps in for a couple of clicks and when VM gets back is the 'run time' the wall/TOD clock delta? Does VM know it wasn't running and where is that time accounted for or are only 'running' seconds counted? If the CEC is sufficiently busy so that the weights are in play and especially if the LPar is capped, the Total(PCP) number of CPU seconds available may be considerably less than the logical CPU seconds. It probably doesn't matter much at an individual virtual machine level but at an aggregate, I'm thinking the physical number may be more important than the logical. Gregg Reed
"No Plan, survives execution"

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