It wasn't clear to me that you wanted a general-user solution, or an algorithm that would project years ahead, or simply a utility to be run from MAINT.

The general-user, long-range solution is also a Rexx/Pipe SMOP: there are dozens of websites devoted to Daylight Saving Time tables and calculators. RxSockets to the rescue!


On 3/3/11 19:30 Michael Coffin said:
The problem is that the executor would need to have access to MAINT CF1.


-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU] On
Behalf Of Chip Davis
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2011 1:38 PM
Subject: Re: Determining Daylight Savings Time Status

Not to take anything away from the solutions already offered, but wouldn't a Rexx exec (or pipe) that reads the SYSTEM CONFIG file be a single-source-data solution? I'd rather depend on the accuracy of an IBM-supplied file than to worry about making sure my (or someone else's) file keeps up with the Congress-critters meddling.

Besides, it's a SMOP.


On 3/3/11 14:36 Michael Coffin said:
Hi Folks,

Does anybody have a program or know of a way to determine if a given date falls within a Daylight Savings Time range? The CP QUERY TIMEZONE command will show you defined timezones, and which one is active - but not the start/end dates of the zone.

I'm trying to avoid coding up a hard-coded table in a REXX exec - but can't for the life of me figure out any other way to do it, and even though the zones are coded in SYSTEM CONFIG I can't find any way to query them in VM.

Ideally, I need to do something like: DST=IsThisDST(mm/dd/yy) - and I only really care about the calendar date (even though DST doesn't normally "kick in" until 2:00am).


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