On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 11:00 PM, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)
<terry.mar...@cms.hhs.gov> wrote:

> So if I remove the password from the LINK statements and set LINK to ‘NO’
> than I will need to make sure that access is defined in RACF is this
> correct?

If things are working now, then access is already granted by RACF. The
password on LINK does nothing.
When you set the option to "no" in the configuration file, the
password on LINK will break it.

And when you go make these changes, consider putting the LINK
statements in the CP directory instead (in an include profile even, if
applicable). I think there was a PTF to make sure that as long as you
try to link to the same disk that was already in the directory entry
(and granted by RACF) you would get away with the inline password (but
maybe Scott and check that - must be 15 years ago that I did such

> Also if I run across any AUTOLOGs in EXECS how are these handled if I set
> the AUTOLOG to ‘NO’?

If the AUTOLOG now works, then RACF authorisation is already ok. And
like with LINK, the inline password will break it when you disallow


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