On: Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 08:43:42PM -0400,Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) 

} In the PROFILE EXEC for each guest I have the LINK LNXADMIN 191 391 RR. This 
is the common A disk. I could move the LINK for this to the Directory entry for 
each guest, but how do I execute a PROFILE specific to a guest if I am using a 
common PROFILE for all guests on the LNXADMIN 191(391)?

Terry, Scott gave you one good way, here is another.  The advantage of
this way is that everything is in one place instead of being spread over
several execs:

   when userid() is "LX1"
      then do
           whatever for LX1
   when userid() is "LX2"
      then do
           whatever for LX2
   . similarly for others
      'CP MSG OPERATOR Unidentified user' userid() 'trying to start Linux.'
      'CP LOGOFF'

You may not want this drastic an otherwise.

Rich Greenberg  Sarasota, FL, USA richgr atsign panix.com  + 1 941 378 2097
Eastern time.  N6LRT  I speak for myself & my dogs only.    VM'er since CP-67
Canines: Val, Red, Shasta, Zero & Casey (At the bridge)        Owner:Chinook-L
Canines: Red & Cinnar (Siberians)  Retired at the beach  Asst Owner:Sibernet-L

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