The trick is to have a LINK in the CP directory and to link to yourself
 LINK MAINT 193 111 RR
Then user ABC can issue CP LINK * 111 111 RR and not be prompted for the
password.  But, this has nothing to do with RACF permissions, ABC still
needs a PERMIT to MAINT.193

2011/4/22 Rob van der Heij <>

> On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 11:28 PM, Scott Rohling <>
> wrote:
> > Nope -- the inline password still fails with HCP118E even if there is a
> > in my directory for the disk.   I believe the PASSWORD_ON_CMDS LINK NO
> has
> > no exceptions ..  once you set it NO - you can't use an inline password -
> > you must be prompted for it (which won't happen if you have RACF
> controlling
> > LINK).
> Too bad.   The scenario I recall was the password prompt on a non-RACF
> system.  I believe CP was changed (back) to avoid prompting the user
> when the disk was already linked.
> I don't see a problem if CP would allow the inline password even when
> disallowed...
> Rob

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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